Government, Latest News

West Virginia legislators introduce bills to add magistrates, increase salary


The Journal

MARTINSBURG, W.Va.  — Proposed bills currently making their way through the West Virginia Legislature would add additional magistrates to serve in Berkeley County and raise the salaries of certain law personnel.

Senate Bill 42, which was introduced by Sen. Charles S. Trump IV, R-Morgan, on Jan. 9, proposes new language to be added to state code allowing an increase in the number of magistrates serving the county. The bill states magistrates “shall be increased by two, effective July 1, 2019.” After being introduced on Jan. 9, the bill was sent to the Judiciary Committee the same day.

In addition, Senate Bill 261 was introduced Jan. 11 by Trump, the bill’s lead sponsor, and Sue Cline, R-Wyoming. This bill relates to “the number of magistrates to be seated in each county of the state and their election.”

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