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West Virginia House does not agree with Senate amendment, Mason County delegates comment


Point Pleasant Register

From left, Delgates Scott Brewer, Jim Butler, Josh Higginbotham.
(Point Pleasant Register)

CHARLESTON, W.Va.  — The House of Delegates has refused to concur with a Senate Bill Amendment passed Saturday night which approved a 4 percent pay raise for teachers and some other public employees, 1 percentage point less than what the governor negotiated with educators and what the House agreed to give them.

According to multiple sources at the Capitol, preceding the House’s vote was confusion caused by the Senate reportedly sending the wrong bill (with the 5 percent raise) back to the House. Once the House received the correct bill (with the 4 percent raise), it did not agree with the Senate Amendment and sent it back to the Senate chamber where it refused to recede. This means the issue now goes to conference committee which will consist of three members from the Senate and three members of the House to see if common ground can be found.

The three delegates representing constituents in Mason County, all upheld their original votes to approve the 5 percent raises by refusing to concur with the Senate Bill Amendment.

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