House and Senate Democrats joining forces in 2020 to focus on the future of West Virginia
Release from the Democrat members of the W.Va. Legislature:
CHARLESTON, W.VA. — Democrat legislators rolled out a comprehensive plan designed to renew opportunities for West Virginians, rebuild our state and restore healthy communities. Senate Minority Leader Roman Prezioso and House Minority Leader Tim Miley were joined by other Senate and House Democrats to explain that they would be working in tandem throughout the 2020 session and invited Republicans to join them in moving West Virginia forward.
Miley stressed that the Legislature must stop catering to special interests and work to put the State on a path towards a better life for its citizens. Noting the importance of better health outcomes for all, Democrats will introduce bills that will protect healthcare for citizens with pre-existing conditions and reign in prescription drug costs.
Prezioso explained that bills will be introduced to increase funding for much-needed water and sewer projects as well as to improve primary and secondary roads throughout the state. Prezioso, a retired educator, said that Democrats will also focus on the expansion of vocational and technical training in middle schools to ensure that West Virginia’s workforce will be prepared to fill the jobs of the future.
Both Democrat leaders recognized that Republican support is necessary to pass any bill and emphasized the need to work together to reverse the outward migration of people from the state by taking care of people who work for a living.
“Our tax base decreases with each person who moves away, so we’ll focus on policies that encourage sustainable economic growth by increasing the wealth of the people who work for and buy from local businesses,” Miley stated. “When people have money to spend because they’re healthy, educated, and earning a good wage, our local economies will become vibrant and diversified, encouraging businesses to create more jobs and more people to relocate here,” Leader Miley explained. “Everyone does well.”
“We need to focus on the future of our state, not on special interests, or it won’t be a pretty picture a decade from now,” said Leader Prezioso. “Our roads and bridges need to be repaired today and maintained going forward. Our citizens deserve clean water that doesn’t come from broken pipes. Grandparents raising their grandchildren need to know that these children won’t be lost to an addiction crisis, too—we are here to provide hope.”
The Democrat’s platform will also include bills to better care for our children and to enhance substance abuse prevention efforts.
Prezioso and Miley promised updates throughout the session on the progress of their plan.