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Today at the Capitol: WV Legislature, committee schedules for Monday, Feb. 13

Monday, Feb. 13
34th day of the 2023 Legislative Session

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The West Virginia Press Association provides a daily preview of legislative action.

This preview is made possible with the support of AARP WV, WVU University Relations, and the WV Press Association Foundation.

Activities Calendar:

  • WV Library Association, Upper House & Senate Rotunda
  • West Virginians for Life ,Lower Rotunda – Pro Life Rally



The Senate will convene at 11 a.m.


  • SCR 11: US Army SGT Brian Christopher Karim Memorial Bridge
  • SR 29: Strongly encouraging Monongahela Power Company to purchase Pleasants Power Station


  • Eng. Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 47: Creating Charter Schools Stimulus Fund
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 187: Making it felony offense for school employee or volunteer to engage in sexual contact with students
  • Eng. SB 237: Relating to Public Employees Retirement System and State Teachers Retirement System
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 290: Relating to dental health care service plans
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 472: Creating criminal offense of indecent exposure in front of minors – (With right to amend)
  • Eng. SB 487: Extending additional modification reducing federal adjusted gross income
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 505: Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Administration, Office of Secretary
  • Eng. SB 508: Clarifying reporting and disclosure requirements for grassroots lobbying expenditures
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 516: Relating to requirements for disclosure of donor contributions
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 527: Allowing family members of military personnel access to discharge records


  • Com. Sub. for SB 31: Relating to permissible expenditures by Water Development Authority from Infrastructure Fund
  • SB 99: Relating to meetings among county boards of education
  • Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 274: Third Grade Success Act
  • Com. Sub. for SB 409: Authorizing Department of Commerce to promulgate legislative rules
  • SB 441: Removing additional one and one-half percent interest rate for tax underpayments
  • SB 452: Relating to Emergency Medical Services Retirement System
  • Com. Sub. for SB 453: Ensuring retirement contributions and delinquency charges of charter school employees be paid upon school closure or by successor
  • SB 458: Setting rate of interest on delinquent retirement contribution submissions
  • SB 474: Requiring municipal pensions oversight board to propose legislative rules
  • Com. Sub. for SB 478: Relating to Jumpstart Savings Program
  • SB 481: Extending sunset provision of Upper Kanawha Valley Resiliency and Revitalization Program
  • Eng. HB 2310: Provide the Division of Motor Vehicles authority to develop an “Antique Fleet” program so that multiple antique motor vehicles may utilize a single registration plate
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 3061: Relating to updating the authority of the Foster Care Ombudsman


  • Com. Sub. for SB 467: Providing county commissioners ongoing mechanism to consider compensation increases for elected officials every two years
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2412: Declaring November 14 every year, a special Memorial Day in remembrance of the Marshall University airplane crash
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 3055: To create a vocational math class for students interested in careers in the trades

Senate Committee Schedule

1 p.m.: Military (208W)

  • Agenda TBA

1 p.m.: Transportation and Infrastructure (451M)

  • Com. Sub. for SCR 3: Dr. Roland P. Sharp Memorial Road
  • Com. Sub. for SCR 4: Ira ‘Noon’ Copley and Marie Copley Memorial Bridge
  • Com. Sub. for SCR 6: US Army SGT Vincent DiBacco Memorial Bridge
  • SCR 8: US Army PV 2 Harold Richard Plumley Memorial Bridge
  • Com. Sub. for SB 440: Authorizing DOH pay current obligations from State Road Fund
  • Com. Sub. for SB 455: Modifying certain used car restrictions

2 p.m.: Agriculture and Natural Resources (208W)

  • Agenda TBA

2 p.m.: Banking and Insurance (451M)

  • SB 430: Relating to State Treasurer’s authority to contract with financial institutions for banking goods and services
  • SB 555: Prohibiting banks and payment networks from tracking firearm-related data and outlining penalties
  • SB 562: Relating to operation of private trust companies in WV

3 p.m.: Finance (451M)

  • SB 151: Relating to levying tax on pass-through entity’s income
  • Com. Sub. for SB 579: Providing payment to vendors not paid due to an agency’s budget limit

Senate Bills to be Introduced:

·       SB 607: Authorizing counties to increase special district excise tax (Oliverio, Clements, Caputo, Jeffries, Maroney; Economic Development then Finance)

·       SB 608: Correcting list of items which are considered deadly weapons (Trump; Judiciary)

·       SB 609: Obtaining approval for decommissioning or deconstructing of existing power plant (Smith, Azinger, Boley, Phillips; Energy, Industry and Mining)

·       SB 610: Affordable Medicaid Buy-in Program (Takubo; Health and Human Resources)

·       SB 611: Applying penalties for nonpayment of royalties under terms of oil and natural gas leases (Smith; Energy, Industry and Mining)

·       SB 612: Eliminating certain centers from certificate of need review (Barrett, Rucker; Health and Human Resources)

·       SB 613: Exempting hospitals from certificate of need requirements        (Maroney; Health and Human Resources)

·       SR 30: Recognizing February 14, 2023, as National Donor Day at Legislature (Grady)

·       SR 31: Designating February 14, 2023, as Child Care Day at Legislature (Tarr)

House of Delegates


The House will convene at 11 a.m.

Com. Sub. for H. B. 2621 – Relating generally to bail bondsman (Capito) (Regular)

H. B. 2899 – Repealing two sections of code relating to gas utility rates (Linville) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 3111 – Creating Infrastructure Ready Jurisdictions (Linville) (Regular)

H. B. 3268 – Add protections for WV residents who reside out of state for certain time periods from non-renewal of licenses and registration (Linville) (July 1, 2023)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 3306 – Relating to the organizational structure of the Office of Drug Control Policy (Summers) (Regular)

H. B. 3307 – Establishing the West Virginia-Ireland Trade Commission (Howell) (Regular)


Com. Sub. for H. B. 2005 – Establishing the dual enrollment pilot program to be administered by the Higher Education Policy Commission and the Council for Community and Technical College Education in conjunction with the State Board of Education (Criss) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 2006 – Relating to reorganizing the Department of Health and Human Resources (Criss) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 2075 – To provide a means to classify when medications should be continued or stopped for patients (Summers) (Regular)

H. B. 2309 – To require the Division of Forestry to create an online renewal process no later than July 1, 2023 (Phillips) (Regular) [Government Organization Committee Amendment Pending]

Com. Sub. for H. B. 2540 – Travel Insurance Model Act (Capito) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 2605 – Relating to Good Samaritan law (Capito) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 2817 – Relating to Public Service Commission jurisdiction over alternative fuel for motor vehicles (Capito) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 3044 – Relating to the annual fee for limited video lottery terminal permits (Criss) (Effective From Passage)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 3098 – To eliminate the WV General Summative Assessment and replace it with a formative assessment given three times a year (Ellington) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 3113 – Requiring high school students to complete course of study in personal finance (Ellington) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 3122 – Permitting certain types of rifles using an encapsulated propellant charge that loads from the breech (Capito) (Regular)

H. B. 3199 – Relating to removing the requirement that an ectopic pregnancy be reported (Summers) (Effective From Passage)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 3210 – Relating to the performance of installation of propane gas systems (Phillips) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 3261 – Relating to Social Workers Qualifications (Phillips) (Regular)

H. B. 3272 – Relating to the operation of private trust companies in West Virginia (Capito) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 3302 – To recognize unborn child as distinct victim in a DUI causing death (Capito) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 3311 – Relating to wine alcohol by volume as compared to beer (Phillips) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 3318 – Relating to location of services provided by the Workforce Development Board as related to the one-stop delivery system (Phillips) (Regular)


Com. Sub. for S. B. 188 – Grid Stabilization and Security Act of 2023 (Howell) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for S. B. 239 – Requiring Commissioner of Bureau for Behavioral Health to engage certain providers and leaders to study homeless demographic (Rohrbach) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for S. B. 243 – Requiring substance use disorder inpatient providers to provide transportation to patients (Rohrbach) (Regular) [Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse Committee Amendment Pending]

H. B. 2186 – Relating to surgical smoke evacuation (Summers) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 2821 – Relating to taxation of gambling and lottery winnings (Criss) (Regular)

H. B. 2839 – To make a technical change correcting an incorrect fund name and to clarify the applicability of §22-2-10 to mine lands governed by both §22-3-1 et seq. and §22-2-1 et seq. (Criss) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 2896 – Relating to making West Virginia an Agreement State with the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Criss) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 2993 – Relating to rural emergency hospital licensure (Summers) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 3200 – Authorize DHHR to transfer state facilities to regional mental health centers or intellectual disability facilities (Summers) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 3308 – Authorizing PSC consider and issue financing orders to certain utilities to permit the recovery of certain costs through securitization via consumer rate relief bonds (Criss) (Effective From Passage)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 3317 – Relating to removing specific continuing education requirements (Summers) (Effective From Passage)

House Committee Schedule

9:30 am – Room 410-MCommittee on the Judiciary

Agenda TBA

10:45 am – Behind ChamberCommittee on Rules

1:00 pm – Room 215-ECommittee on Government Organization

Agenda TBA

2:00 pm – Room 432-MCommittee on Education

Agenda TBA

3:00 pm – Room 460-MCommittee on Finance

Agenda TBA

House Bill to be Introduced:

HB3355. By Del. Tully – To criminalize joyriding of a bulldozer or heavy equipment – To the Judiciary

HB3356. By Del. Foster – Require Medicaid to submit all state plan amendments, waiver submissions and policy changes to the Legislature for rulemaking approval – To Health and Human Resources

HB3357. By Del. C. Pritt – Clarifying acceptance of e-file court orders without raised seal – To the Judiciary

HB3358. By Del. C. Pritt – Exemption from marriage and license participation – To the Judiciary

HB3359. By Del. Mazzocchi and Phillips – Creating the West Virginia Farm Fresh Dairy Act – To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Government Organization

HB3360. By Del. Kelly and Hott [By Request of the Department of Homeland Security] – Creating an office of the Inspector General within the Department of Homeland Security  – To the Judiciary

HB3361. By Del. Rowe and Pushkin – Relating to the allocation of federal funds to county commissions and certain municipalities – To Political Subdivisions then Finance

HB3362. By Del. Riley, Kimble, Honaker, Heckert, Foggin, Ward and Kelly – To make an attack on a K-9 officer a felony – To the Judiciary

HB3363. By Del. Brooks, Foster, Kump, Hott, Ward, Honaker, Street, Dean, Bridges, Barnhart and Kelly – Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act  – To Jails and Prisons then the Judiciary

HB3364. By Del. Storch [By Request of the Municipal Pensions Oversight Board] – Requiring the closure of certain municipal policemen’s and firemen’s pension and relief funds as condition of issuance of pension funding revenue bonds (FN) – To Pensions and Retirement then Finance

HB3365. By Del. Riley – Relating to the Certified Industrial Business Expansion Development Program – To Energy and Manufacturing then the Judiciary

HB3366. By Del. W. Hall, Shamblin and Rohrbach – Creating the State Property Protection Act – To the Judiciary

HB3367. By Del. Butler, Brooks, Dillon, Ward, Longanacre, Burkhammer, Ridenour, Chiarelli, Ross, Hillenbrand and Pinson – To provide for a pay raise for staff at correctional institutions – To Finance

HB3368. By Del. Ridenour and Longanacre – Troop- to-Teachers – To Education then Finance

HB3369. By Del. Kelly, Hott, Garcia and Worrell [By Request of the Department of Homeland Security] – Creating a School Safety Unit within the Division of Protective Services – To the Judiciary

HB3370. By Del. Howell and Storch – Creating loan program for certain properties and developments on U. S. Army Corps of Engineers land, state parks and resorts (FN) – To Economic Development and Tourism then Finance

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