Government, Latest News

Today at the Capitol: WV Legislature, committee schedules for Tuesday, Jan. 31

Tuesday, Jan. 31
21th day of the 2023 Legislative Session

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The West Virginia Press Association provides a daily preview of legislative action.

This preview is made possible with the support of AARP WV, WVU University Relations, and the WV Press Association Foundation.

Activities Calendar:

  • WVU Day, Upper House & Senate Rotunda and Lower Rotunda
  • Universities United Legislative Reception (WVU & Marshall), Charleston Marriott, 6 p.m.



The Senate will convene at 11 a.m.


  • SR 18: Designating January 31, 2023, as WVU Day at Legislature
  • SR 19: Designating January 31, 2023, as WV Academy of Family Physicians’ Day at Legislature
  • SR 20: Recognizing Leadership Jefferson for its service, dedication, and commitment to Jefferson County


  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 160: WV Rail Trails Program
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 166: WV Public Employees Retirement Act
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 222: Creating adult education taskforce
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 249: WV Real Estate License Act
  • Eng. SB 306: Establishing Summer Feeding for All Program
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 335: Authorizing Department of Homeland Security to promulgate legislative rules
  • Eng. SB 428: Revising requirements of local school improvement councils
  • Eng. SB 443: Directing payment of estate administration fee to State Auditor
  • Eng. SB 444: Transferring moneys in WV Future Fund to General Revenue Fund
  • Eng. SB 446: Removing methanol and methanol fuel from definition of special fuel


  • Com. Sub. for SB 188: Grid Stabilization and Security Act of 2023
  • SB 240: Requiring state board of examination or registration proceedings to be open to public inspection
  • Com. Sub. for SB 356: Authorizing DOT to promulgate legislative rules
  • Com. Sub. for SB 426: Banning use of certain products and platforms deemed unsafe or high risk on government systems
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2018: Permitting the managed care case coordinator to attend the multidisciplinary team meeting
  • Eng. HB 2029: Repealing the creation of an all-payer claims database


There are no bills on First Reading for Tuesday, January 31, 2023.

Senate Committee Schedule

9 a.m.: Government Organization (208W)

  • Com. Sub. for SB 295: Extending time that prescription for spectacles or contact lenses remains valid
  • Com. Sub. for SB 198: Requiring counties to register automated external defibrillators with Office of Emergency Medical Services
  • Com. Sub. for SB 294: Clarifying amount of deputy sheriff annual salary increase
  • SB 457: Removing certain activities Alcohol Beverage Control Commission licensee is prohibited to permit on private club premises

9 a.m.: Education (451M)

  • SB 275: Adding State Fire Marshals to statute included with law enforcement and first responders that receive information on school safety requirements
  • SB 445: Repealing outdated section of WV code relating to WV Graduate College and Marshall University
  • SB 469: Providing funding for CPR instruction to high school students

1 p.m.: Energy, Industry and Mining (208W)

  • Com. Sub. for SB 448: Providing funding to Office of Oil and Gas for well inspections

1 p.m.: Health and Human Resources (451M)

  • SB 242: Relating to residential substance use disorder service programs
  • SB 479: Expanding certain insurance coverages for pregnant women

3 p.m.: Judiciary (208W)

  • Reports by Subcommittees
  • Referrals to Subcommittees

o   SB 532: Creating new crime of soliciting minor (Subcommittee A – Criminal Law)

  • SB 470: Making adoption records accessible for medical purposes
  • Com. Sub. for SB 50: Requiring one-year residency within district or county to fill vacancy in Legislature
  • SB 296: Uniform Public Meetings During Emergencies Act

3 p.m.: Finance (451M)

  • HB 2506: Creating a title clearinghouse for non-resident businesses
  • Budget Presentation: West Virginia Department of Homeland Security
  • Budget Presentation: West Virginia Department of Education

Senate Bills to be Introduced:

  • SB 520: Relating to PEIA (FN) (Nelson; Banking and Insurance then Finance)
  • SB 521: Relating generally to medical cannabis (Takubo; Health and Human Resources)
  • SB 522: Allocating percentage of county excise taxes for funding improvements to election administration (Tarr; Government Organization)
  • SB 523: Relating to funding for infrastructure and economic development (Tarr; Finance)
  • SB 524: Relating to family planning services (FN) (Tarr; Health and Human Resources then Finance)
  • SB 525: Providing benefits to employees with occupational pneumoconiosis (FN) (Plymale, Caputo; Health and Human Resources then Finance)
  • SB 526: Including early detection and diagnosis of Alzheimer’s and other dementias in public health programs and services (Takubo, Tarr; Health and Human Resources)
  • SB 527: Relating to record keeping of military discharge forms (Trump, Azinger, Grady, Rucker, Stover, Stuart, Takubo, Tarr, Taylor, Weld, Woodrum; Military)
  • SB 528: Requiring certificate of need be subject to legislative rulemaking (Barrett, Hunt, Maynard, Rucker; Judiciary)
  • SB 529: Allowing for formation of limited liability limited partnerships (Woodrum; Judiciary)
  • SB 530: Expanding those who may be eligible for judicial retirement (Woodrum; Pensions then Finance)
  • SB 531: Uniform Limited Liability Company Act (Woodrum; Judiciary)
  • SB 532: Creating new crime of soliciting minor (FN) (Hunt, Azinger, Chapman, Deeds, Hamilton, Maynard, Plymale, Roberts, Rucker, Stover, Stuart, Taylor; Judiciary then Finance)
  • SB 533: Relating to limitations on motor vehicle used by nonprofit cooperative recycling associations (Nelson; Agriculture and Natural Resources)
  • SB 534: Relating to nonintoxicating beer, nonintoxicating craft beer, cider, wine, and liquor license requirements (Trump; Judiciary)
  • SCR 6: US Army SGT Vincent DiBacco Memorial Bridge (Smith, Taylor, Weld)
  • SR 21: Designating February 1, 2023, as National Unclaimed Property Day at Legislature (Weld)
  • SR 22: Designating February 1, 2023, as Marshall University Day at Legislature (Plymale, Woelfel)

House of Delegates


The House will convene at 11 a.m.


Com. Sub. for S. B. 83 – Authorizing tactical medical professionals to carry firearms (Phillips) (Regular)

S. B. 132 – Clarifying criminal offense of harassment (Capito) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 2436 – Relating to the implementation of an acuity-based patient classification system (Summers) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 2509 – Creating the Uniform Premarital Agreement Act (Capito) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 2569 – Establishing the Motorsport Responsibility Act (Capito) (Regular)

H. B. 2835 – Repeal outdated provisions of code relating to the West Virginia graduate college and Marshall University (Ellington) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 2850 – Relating to students with exceptional needs (Ellington) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 2890 – Modifying student discipline (Ellington) (Regular) [Right to Amend]


S. B. 207 – Relating to state allocation of funding to regional councils (Howell) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 2017 – Relating to service of process in child abuse cases (Capito) (Regular)

H. B. 2510 – To establish the Rare Earth Element and Critical Mineral Investment Tax Credit Act (Howell) (Effective From Passage)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 2596 – To modify when a nonresident student’s transfer may be denied (Ellington) (Regular)

H. B. 2613 – Relating to the administration of anesthetics (Summers) (Effective From Passage)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 2870 – Correcting a reference relating to siting certificates for certain electric generating facilities (Anderson) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 3061 – Relating to updating the authority of the Foster Care Ombudsman (Summers) (Effective From Passage)


Com. Sub. for H. B. 2832 – Clarifying appropriate and inappropriate duties for school counselors while also providing the definition of a school counselor (Ellington) (Regular)

House Committee Schedule

9 a.m. – Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources will meet in the East Wing Committee Room, 215E


  • Consideration of HB 2062
  • Consideration of HB 2309
  • Consideration of HB 2439
  • Consideration of HB 2787

9 a.m. – Committee on Substance Abuse will meet in the Education Committee meeting room, 434M


  • SB 147 – Creating pilot program for recovery residences in Cabell County (2nd REF HHR then JUD) (FN)
  • HB 2546 – Require Substance Use Disorder inpatient providers to offer patients transportation to certain places upon discharge

9 a.m. – Committee on Banking and Insurance will meet in the Judiciary Committee meeting room, 410M


  • Presentation by Ryan Gilkerson, Executive Director Community Bankers of West Virginia.
  • Consideration of House Bill 2540, Travel Insurance Model Act.
  • Consideration of House Bill 2621, Relating generally to bail bondsman.
  • Consideration of House Bill 2861, To raise the threshold for nominal referral fees from $25 to $100.

10 a.m. – Committee on Pensions and Retirement will meet in the Finance Committee meeting room, 460M


  • H. B. 2893, Establishing a one-time bonus payment for certain retirants.
  • Continuation of CPRB presentation
  • Dr. Ken Woodson, CPRB Actuary, Actuarial Note discussion
  • Terasa Miller, Deputy Director, CPRB, Review of CPRB requested legislation
  • Presentation from Craig Slaughter, Executive Director, IMB

10:45 – the House Rules Committee will meet behind the House Chamber.

*Note: Per House Rule 70 , the active daily calendar for House floor sessions is referred to as the “Special Calendar.” The “House Calendar” will contain bills and resolutions that have been reported to the floor but moved off the Special Calendar by the Rules Committee. The “House Calendar” is often referred to as the “inactive calendar,” while the “Special Calendar” can be referred to as the “active calendar.”

All bills coming out of committee will automatically be placed on the Special Calendar; they can only be moved off that calendar by the Rules Committee. You may have memories of this calendar arrangement coming into play only after the 31st day of the session, however House Rule 70 was amended in the House Rules in 2019 to allow the Special Calendar to commence at the start of session. And tomorrow is our first Rules Committee meeting of the 86th Legislature!

This will be live-streamed and media will be permitted behind the Chamber to observe in-person.

1 p.m. – Technology and Infrastructure Committee will meet in the Education Committee meeting room, 434M


  • Committee Substitute for Senate Bill 254, Relating generally to mandatory state inspection of certain motor vehicles
  • House Bill 2507, Relating to the West Virginia public employees grievance procedure
  • House Bill 2898, Banning high-risk technologies on government systems

2 p.m. – Committee on Economic Development and Tourism will meet in the House Finance Committee meeting room, 460M


  • HB2521 Creating the Public/Private Small Business Enhancement Program
  • HB2935 Create the Tourism Event Emergency Medical Services Fund
  • SB 4 Creating Adopt-A-Trail volunteer programs for public land under DNR jurisdiction

3 p.m. – the Committee on Health and Human Resources will meet in the East Wing Committee Room, 215E


  • HB 2196 – To remove opioid treatment programs from requiring a certificate of need
  • HB 2789 – Relating to certificates of need
  • HB 3141 – Relating to the practice of dentistry

House Bill to be Introduced:

HB3160. By Del. Pushkin – Providing that records of Department of Health and Human Services of sustained and non-sustained allegations of child abuse or neglect are preserved – To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

HB3161. By Del. Ross and Lucas – Relating to state recognition of Native American tribes – To Government Organization then the Judiciary

HB3162. By Del. Ross, Hanna and Keaton – Relating generally to solid waste facilities – To the Judiciary

HB3163. By Del. Summers and Tully – Revising the definition of attributed support, update the basic child support guidelines, and the calculation of ability to pay – To Senior, Children, and Family Issues then the Judiciary

HB3164. By Del. Summers and Tully – To extend the termination date of the West Virginia Advisory Council on Rare Diseases due to a delay in beginning its duties – To Health and Human Resources

HB3165. By Del. Linville – Relating to vehicles exempt from payment of registration fees for certain veterans – To Technology and Infrastructure then Finance

HB3166. By Del. Summers and Tully – To permit a hospital to hold a patient experiencing a psychiatric emergency for up to 72 hours – To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

HB3167. By Del. Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) and Hornbuckle [By Request of the Executive] – Supplementing and amending appropriations to State Board of Education – State Department of Education – To Finance

HB3168. By Del. Criss and Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) – Ensuring investment in WV Tourism is competitive with other states and accessible long term – To Economic Development and Tourism then Finance

HB3169. By Del. Howell, Clark, Hornby, Thorne, Ferrell, Jeffries and W. Hall – Creating a Distribution Center Refundable Toll Payments Tax Credit Act (FN) – To Economic Development and Tourism then Finance

HB3170. By Del. Clark, Hornby, C. Pritt, Thorne, Ferrell, Jeffries and W. Hall – Prohibiting municipalities in their permitting from charging other government entities for rights of way within municipal boundaries that are at least fifteen feet above ground level at their lowest point  – To Political Subdivisions then Technology and Infrastructure

HB3171. By Del. Howell, Hott, Clark, Phillips, Linville, Cannon, Hornby, C. Pritt, Thorne, Ferrell and Jeffries – Provide that continuing education credits shall not expire for 3 years – To Government Organization

HB3172. By Del. Mallow, Fast, Devault, C. Pritt, Adkins, Marple, Forsht and Miller – Change filing fees that circuit courts may charge – To the Judiciary

HB3173. By Del. C. Pritt – To permit home distilling of bourbon – To the Judiciary

HB3174. By Del. Statler, Chiarelli, Warner, Walker and Hansen – Relating generally to magistrate courts – To the Judiciary

HB3175. By Del. C. Pritt – A court has venue for adoption if it had jurisdiction over guardianships – To Senior, Children, and Family Issues then the Judiciary

HB3176. By Del. Thorne, Horst, Longanacre, A. Hall, Dillon, Devault and Howell – Prohibit drag shows from being performed in front of minors and to prohibit people from dressing in drag when reading aloud during story time in schools. (FN) – To Education then the Judiciary

HB3177. By Del. Linville – Relating to charitable bingo and alcohol sales and consumption while such bingo is taking places – To Veterans’ Affairs and Homeland Security then the Judiciary

HB3178. By Del. Burkhammer – Authorizing sheriffs who are members of the public retirement system to retire upon attaining the age of sixty-two with eight or more years of service. – To Pensions and Retirement then Finance

HB3179. By Del. Walker – Relating to road work signs – To Technology and Infrastructure

HB3180. By Del. Walker – Wildlife corridors to reduce animal-vehicle collision – To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Technology and Infrastructure

HB3181. By Del. Walker – Relating to when a warrant, capias for arrest is dismissed when charges are dismissed – To the Judiciary

HB3182. By Del. Heckert, Criss, Zatezalo, Crouse, Chiarelli, Devault, W. Hall, Fehrenbacher, Cooper and Foggin – Relating generally to mental health treatment – To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

HB3183. By Del. Dillon, Ross, Ridenour and Longanacre – Child Protection Act – To the Judiciary

HB3184. By Del. Dillon, Foggin, Kirby, Ross, Butler and Longanacre – WV Medical Information Confidentiality and Anti-Discrimination Act – To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary

HB3185. By Del. Dillon, Longanacre, Butler and Ross – Transparency in Government Act – To Political Subdivisions then the Judiciary

HB3186. By Del. Linville and Worrell – Relating to powers of the Greater Huntington Parks and Recreation District – To Political Subdivisions then Finance

HB3187. By Del. Linville, Chiarelli, Keaton, Cannon, Ferrell, Crouse, Worrell, Horst, Willis and Warner – Relating to requirements imposed on social media companies to prevent corruption and provide transparency of election-related content made available on social media websites – To Technology and Infrastructure then the Judiciary

HB3188. By Del. Linville, Tully, Summers, Young and Maynor – Relating to the establishment of an alert system for missing cognitively impaired persons – To the Judiciary

HB3189. By Del. Riley, Hansen, Westfall, Clark, Horst, Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker), Hornby, Steele, Storch, Hardy and Hillenbrand – The PFAS Protection Act – To Energy and Manufacturing then the Judiciary

HB3190. By Del. Steele – Amending the definition of “minor” – To the Judiciary

HB3191. By Del. Summers and Tully – Relating to certain facilities operated by the state government to obtain a license – To Health and Human Resources

HB3192. By Del. Ellington, Chiarelli, Willis, Hornby, Summers and Tully – Abolishing the Center for Nursing and transferring its duties and authorities to the Higher Education Policy Commission – To Education then Finance

HB3193. By Del. Mallow, Devault, Adkins, Marple, Forsht and Miller – Relating to damages for medical monitoring; establishing requirements for an order for payment of medical monitoring expenses – To the Judiciary

HB3194. By Del. C. Pritt – Free range parenting is not classified as abuse and neglect – To Senior, Children, and Family Issues then the Judiciary

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