Tuesday, Jan. 24
14th day of the 2023 Legislative Session
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The West Virginia Press Association provides a daily preview of legislative action.
This preview is made possible with the support of AARP WV, WVU University Relations, and the WV Press Association Foundation.

Activities Calendar: Soft Drink Day, Upper House Rotunda & around
The Senate will convene at 11 a.m.
- SR 12: Commemorating 77th Southern Legislative Conference of Council of State Governments Southern Office
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 10: Campus Self-Defense Act
- Eng. SB 207: Relating to state allocation of funding to regional councils
- Eng. SB 231: Transferring administration of WV Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Matching Funds Program to Department of Economic Development
- SB 4: Creating Adopt-A-Trail volunteer programs for public land under DNR jurisdiction
- Com. Sub. for SB 121: Creating Student Journalist Press Freedom Protection Act
- SB 192: Relating to Uniform Real Property Transfer on Death Act
- Com. Sub. for SB 208: Relating to criminal justice training for all law-enforcement and correction officers regarding individuals with autism spectrum disorders
- SB 244: Making rosters of individuals who obtain professional, occupational, and trade licenses, registrations, and certificates available to public
- SB 245: Making rules and regulations promulgated by PSC subject to legislative rule-making review procedures
- SB 246: Revising membership of Broadband Enhancement Council
- SB 262: Allowing students to transfer schools and retain athletic eligibility
- Com. Sub. for SB 264: Prohibiting persons who have been convicted of certain crimes against minors from holding positions on boards of education
- SB 21: Requiring certain documents that contain wage records be considered confidential
9 a.m.: Government Organization (208W)
- Com. Sub. for SB 271: Modifying approval process requirements for First Responders Honor Board
- Com. Sub. for SB 270: Adding exemption to permit requirement for cremation
- Com. Sub. for SB 198: Requiring counties to register automated external defibrillators with Office of Emergency Medical Services
- SB 249: Amending Real Estate License Act
9 a.m.: Education (451M)
- SB 282: Creating WV Guardian Program
- SB 51: Requiring impact statement in certain instances of school closing or consolidation
- SB 251: Displaying official motto of United States in public schools and institutions of higher education
1 p.m.: Energy, Industry and Mining (208W)
- SB 439: Establishing design-build program for DEP
1 p.m.: Health and Human Resources (451M)
- SB 239: Requiring Commissioner of Human Services to engage certain providers and leaders to study homeless demographic
- SB 241: Relating to Patient Brokering Act
- SB 243: Requiring substance use disorder inpatient providers to provide transportation to patients
3 p.m.: Judiciary (208W)
- Reports by Subcommittees
- Referrals to Subcommittees
- Com. Sub. for SB 80: Modifying witness fee rate paid by state to match federal court system
- SB 258: Increasing fair market value of consumer goods and permitting dealer to require security deposit
- Com. Sub. for SB 426: Banning use of certain products and platforms deemed unsafe or high risk on government systems
3 p.m.: Finance (451M)
- SB 31: Relating to permissible expenditures by Water Development Authority from Infrastructure Fund
- SB 248: Clarifying when excess funds accumulated by boards are to be transferred to General Revenue Fund
- Budget Presentation: School Building Authority of West Virginia
- Budget Presentation: West Virginia Department of Arts, Culture and History
- Budget Presentation: West Virginia National Guard
Senate Bills to be Introduced:
- SB 447: Providing tax credit to disabled veterans for lifetime hunting, trapping and fishing license (FN) (Smith; Military then Finance)
- SB 448: Providing funding to Office of Oil and Gas for well inspections (Smith; Energy, Industry, and Mining then Finance)
- SB 449: Updating terms for Natural Resources Police Officers Retirement System and retirement systems for charter schools (Nelson; Pensions then Finance)
- SB 450: Defining medical examination for disability purposes in retirement plans administered by Consolidated Public Retirement Board (Nelson; Pensions then Finance)
- SB 451: Relating to Teachers Retirement System and Teachers’ Defined Contribution Retirement System (Nelson; Pensions then Finance)
- SB 452: Relating to Emergency Medical Services Retirement System (Nelson; Pensions then Finance)
- SB 453: Ensuring retirement contributions and delinquency charges of charter school employees be paid upon school closure or by successor (Nelson; School Choice then Pensions)
- SB 454: WV Children’s Vision Act (FN) (Jeffries; Education then Finance)
- SB 455: Modifying certain used car restrictions (Phillips; Transportation and Infrastructure)
- SB 456: Authorizing DOH to prescribe restrictions, conditions, and regulations for railways crossing state roads (Clements; Transportation and Infrastructure)
- SB 457: Removing certain activities Alcohol Beverage Control Commission licensee is prohibited to permit on private club premises (Barrett; Government Organization)
- SB 458: Setting rate of interest on delinquent retirement contribution submissions (FN) (Nelson; Pensions then Finance)
- SB 459: Clarifying residency requirements for voter registration (Rucker; Judiciary)
- SB 460: Relating to WV Grant Transparency and Accountability Act (Clements; Finance)
- SB 461: Relating to WV public employees grievance procedure (Clements; Judiciary)
- SB 462: Modifying certain guidelines for motor vehicle dealers, distributors, wholesalers, and manufacturers (Phillips; Judiciary)
- SB 463: Increasing validity of CDL instruction permit (Clements; Transportation and Infrastructure)
- SB 464: Authorizing locality pay to correctional officers working at facilities having critical staffing shortages (Barrett; Government Organization)
- SR 13: Observing 90th Anniversary of Holodomor Ukrainian Genocide of 1932-1933 (Rucker, Woodrum)
- SR 14: Designation January 25, 2023, as Aviation Day at Legislature (Blair)

The House will convene at 11 a.m.
S. B. 128 – Clarifying authority of Governor and Legislature to proclaim and declare state of emergency and preparedness (Phillips) (Regular) [Government Organization Committee Amendment Pending] [Right to Amend]
H. B. 2310 – Provide the Division of Motor Vehicles authority to develop an “Antique Fleet” program so that multiple antique motor vehicles may utilize a single registration plate (Phillips) (Regular)
H. B. 2564 – Repeal of administrative hearing procedures for DUI offenses (Capito) (Regular)
H. B. 2602 – Reestablishing certain specialized school service personnel classifications (Ellington) (Effective From Passage)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 2754 – Relating to immunizations performed in a pharmacy (Summers) (Effective From Passage)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 2757 – Relating to amending eligibility for the West Virginia Invest program, providing that a not-for-profit hospital based allied health program is eligible for the West Virginia Invest Program (Summers) (Regular)
H. B. 2776 – Updating meaning of federal adjusted gross income and certain other terms used in West Virginia Personal Income Tax Act (Criss) (Effective From Passage)
H. B. 2777 – Updating federal taxable income and other terms in the West Virginia Corporation Net Income Tax Act (Criss) (Effective From Passage)
H. B. 2113 – Modifying the criminal penalties imposed on a parent, guardian or custodian for child abuse (Capito) (Regular)
H. B. 2171 – Removing obsolete provisions regarding DOH standards for studded tires and chains (Linville) (Regular)
H. B. 2531 – Requiring cooperation between the rail company and the Division of Highways when construction or maintenance activities are conducted by the company (Linville) (Regular)
9 a.m. – Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources, East Wing Committee Room, 215E
- HB 2696 – Authorizing the Department of Agriculture to promulgate a legislate rule relating to West Virginia apiary rule.
- HB 2697: Authorizing the Department of Agriculture to promulgate a legislative rule relating to schedule of charges for inspection services: fruit.
- HB 2698: Authorizing the Department of Agriculture to promulgate a legislative rule relating to noxious weeds rule.
- HB 2699: Authorizing the Department of Agriculture to promulgate a legislative rule relating to Grade “A” pasteurized milk.
- HB 2700: Authorizing the Agriculture Commissioner to promulgate a legislative rule relating to inspection of nontraditional, domesticated animals.
- HB 2701: Authorizing the Department of Agriculture to promulgate a legislative rule relating to hemp products.
- HB 2702: Authorizing the Department of Agriculture to promulgate a legislative rule relating to livestock care standards.
- HB 2703: Authorizing the Department of Agriculture to promulgate a legislative rule relating to farm to food bank tax credit.
- HB 2704: Authorizing the Department of Agriculture to promulgate a legislative rule relating to farmers markets.
- HB 2708: Authorizing the Conservation Agency to promulgate a legislative rule relating to operation of West Virginia State Conservation Committee and conservation districts.
- HB 2709: Authorizing the Conservation Agency to promulgate a legislative rule relating to conservation district accounting and auditing standards.
- HB 2746: Authorizing the Division of Natural Resources to promulgate a legislative rule relating to hunting, fishing, and other out fitters and guides.
- HB 2747: Authorizing the Division of Natural Resources to promulgate a legislative rule relating to commercial whitewater outfitters.
- HB 2748: Authorizing the Division of Natural Resources to promulgate a legislative rule relating to special motor boating regulations.
- HB 2749: Authorizing the Division of Natural Resources to promulgate a legislative rule relating to miscellaneous permits and licenses.
9 a.m. – Committee on Banking and Insurance, Judiciary Committee, Room 410M
- Consideration of House Bill 2611, To remove certain territorial limitations on a banking institution’s ability to offer messenger services or mobile banking facilities.
- Consideration of House Bill 2539, Relating to Delivery Network Company.
10 a.m. – Committee on Pensions and Retirement, Finance Committee, Room 460M
1 p.m. – Committee on Technology and Infrastructure, Education Committee, Room 434M
- Presentation from Jeffrey E. Fleck, Executive Director, WV Consolidated Public Retirement
1 p.m. – Committee on Energy and Manufacturing, Judiciary Committee, Room 410M
- HOUSE BILL 2640, Authorizing the Department of Environmental Protection to promulgate a legislative rule relating to standards of performance for new stationary sources
- HOUSE BILL 2641, Authorizing the Department of Environmental Protection to promulgate a legislative rule relating to requirements for operating permits
- HOUSE BILL 2642, Authorizing the Department of Environmental Protection to promulgate a legislative rule relating to emission standards for hazardous air pollutants
- HOUSE BILL 2643, Authorizing the Department of Environmental Protection to promulgate a legislative rule relating to control of ozone season nitrogen oxides emissions
- HOUSE BILL 2896, Relating to making West Virginia an Agreement State with the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
2 p.m. – Committee on Economic Development & Tourism, Finance Committee, Room 460M – TBD
3 p.m. – Committee on Health and Human Resources, East Wing Committee Room, 215E
- HB 2436 – Relating to the implementation of an acuity-based patient classification system (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2854 – Relating to priorities for the use of funds for child-care and performance-based contracting
- HB 2917 – Relating to allowing retired state employees who meet the minimum qualifications necessary, to render post-retirement employment with the Department of Health and Human Resources (2nd REF FIN)
- HB 2648 – Authorizing the Department of Health and Human Resources to promulgate a legislative rule relating to procedures pertaining to the Dangerousness Assessment Advisory Board (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2649 – Authorizing the Department of Health and Human Resources to promulgate a legislative rule relating to standards for local boards of health (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2650 – Authorizing the Department of Health and Human Resources to promulgate a legislative rule relating to medical examiner requirements for postmortem inquiries (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2651 – Authorizing the Department of Health and Human Services to promulgate a legislative rule relating to Medical Cannabis Program – grower and processors (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2652 – Authorizing the Department of Health and Human Resources to promulgate a legislative rule relating to Medical Cannabis Program – dispensaries (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2653 – Authorizing the Health Care Authority to promulgate a legislative rule relating to financial disclosure (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2654 – Authorizing the Department of Health and Human Resources to promulgate a legislative rule relating to Uniform Bill Database (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2655 – Authorizing the Department of Health and Human Resources to promulgate a legislative rule relating to the development of methodologies to examine needs for substance use disorder treatment facilities within the state (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2656 – Authorizing the Department of Health and Human Resources to promulgate a legislative rule relating to Core Behavioral Health Crisis Services System (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2657 – Authorizing the Department of Health and Human Resources to promulgate a legislative rule relating to child care centers licensing (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2658 – Authorizing the Department of Health and Human Resources to promulgate a legislative rule relating to minimum licensing requirements for residential childcare and treatment facilities for children and transitioning adults and vulnerable and transitioning youth group homes and programs in West Virginia (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2659 – Authorizing the Department of Health and Human Resources to promulgate a legislative rule relating to minimum licensing requirements for residential childcare and treatment facilities for children and transitioning adults and vulnerable and transitioning youth group homes and programs in West Virginia (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2660 – Authorizing the Department of Health and Human Resources to promulgate a legislative rule relating to family child care home registration requirements (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2661 – Authorizing the Department of Health and Human Resources to promulgate a legislative rule relating to informal and relative family child care home registration requirements (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2662 – Authorizing the Department of Health and Human Resources to promulgate a legislative rule relating to out-of-school-time child care center licensing requirements (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2663 – Authorizing the Department of Health and Human Resources to promulgate a legislative rule relating to goals for foster children (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2664 – Authorizing the Department of Health and Human Resources to promulgate a legislative rule relating to deemed head start child care center licenses (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2665 – Authorizing the Department of Health and Human Resources and the Insurance Commissioner to promulgate a legislative rule relating to All-Payers Claims Database – Submission Manual (2nd REF JUD)
HB2934. By Del. Statler and Criss – Levying a tax on a pass-through entity’s income apportioned to West Virginia – To Finance
HB2935. By Del. Howell, Phillips, Clark, E. Pritt, Jennings, Hott, Tully, Ferrell, Shamblin, Vance and Dean – Create the Tourism Event Emergency Medical Services Fund (FN) – To Economic Development and Tourism then Finance
HB2936. By Del. Butler, Foster, Dean, Crouse, Dillon, Lucas, Kirby, Jeffries, Kimble, Pinson and Longanacre – Establishing privacy regarding medical treatments – To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary
HB2937. By Del. Barnhart, Ferrell, Hott, Kelly, Riley, Miller, Statler and C. Pritt – To reduce the business license fee for WV Volunteer Fire Departments to $250 – To Fire Departments and Emergency Medical Services then Finance
HB2938. By Del. Foster, Burkhammer, Keaton, Householder, Hardy, Mazzocchi, Brooks, Espinosa, Steele, Williams and Walker – To modify the number of magistrates per county – To the Judiciary
HB2939. By Del. Rohrbach – Relating to filing of lien by municipalities for collection of refuse fees – To Political Subdivisions then the Judiciary
HB2940. By Del. Thorne, Chiarelli, Willis, Longanacre, Ridenour, A. Hall, Lucas, Mazzocchi and Hornby – Establishing the Anti-Stereotyping Act – To Education then the Judiciary
HB2941. By Del. Ellington, Clark, Willis, Hornby and Statler – To extend the end date of the State Advisory Council on Postsecondary Attainment Goals – To Education
HB2942. By Del. Ellington, Statler and Toney – Relating to revocation of school personnel certification – To Education then the Judiciary
HB2943. By Del. Ellington, Statler, Toney and Foster – Providing that West Virginia residents would not have to renew their driver’s license until they reach 65 years of age – To Technology and Infrastructure
HB2944. By Del. Coop-Gonzalez, Fast, Ridenour, Householder, Kimble, Mazzocchi, Crouse, McGeehan, Heckert, Petitto and Pinson – Relating to DNA collection requirements in abortion cases relating to rape or incest – To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary
HB2945. By Del. Foster, Brooks, Butler, Steele, Kirby, Reynolds, Crouse, Chiarelli, Riley, Ferrell and Smith – Relating to state boards of examination or registration (FN) – To Government Organization then Finance
HB2946. By Del. Foster – Relating to eligibility verification for applicants for public assistance – To Senior, Children, and Family Issues then the Judiciary
HB2947. By Del. Foster – Relating to mandatory drug testing of all classes of employees in K through 12 schools (FN) – To Education then the Judiciary
HB2948. By Del. Foster – To ensure that the WV Judiciary remains neutral and detached in matters related to allocation of custodial responsibility and decision-making responsibility of children – To Senior, Children, and Family Issues then the Judiciary
HB2949. By Del. Foster – Relating to disclosure of information by online marketplaces to inform consumers – To the Judiciary
HB2950. By Del. Young – Exempting certain hygiene products from sales tax – To Finance
HB2951. By Del. Young – Removing certain drugs from schedule one – To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary
HB2952. By Del. Young – Creating online voters’ guide – To the Judiciary
HB2953. By Del. Criss, Householder, Hardy and Espinosa – Relating to locality pay (FN) – To Finance
HB2954. By Del. Riley, Keaton, Smith and Zatezalo – Eliminate need for Certificate of public convenience for water and sewer utilities (FN) – To Technology and Infrastructure
HB2955. By Del. Riley and Keaton – Relating to the establishment and operation of regional water, wastewater and stormwater authorities – To Technology and Infrastructure then Government Organization
HB2956. By Del. Burkhammer, Crouse, Steele, Butler, Kimble and Keaton – Relating to access for minor children’s medical records – To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary
HB2957. By Del. Riley – Create camera assisted enforcement of speeding in active work zones (FN) – To Technology and Infrastructure then the Judiciary
HB2958. By Del. Burkhammer – To create the Business Tax Rebate Incentive Program (FN) – To Economic Development and Tourism then Finance
HB2959. By Del. Burkhammer and Martin – Relating to reemployment after retirement for certain legislative employees – To Pensions and Retirement then Finance
HB2960. By Del. Burkhammer, Foster and Keaton – To prohibit insurance policy limits from being accessed prior to a lawsuit – To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary
HB2961. By Del. Ellington, Chiarelli, Willis, Hornby, Summers and Tully – Relating to abolishing the center for nursing and moving the functions to the Higher Education Policy Commission – To Education
HB2962. By Del. Young – Second Look Sentencing Act – To the Judiciary
HB2963. By Del. Young – Prohibit Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation from making inmates pay co-payment for medical or dental service by a doctor or nurse – To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary
HB2964. By Del. Young – Relating to online privacy protection for minors – To the Judiciary
HB2965. By Del. Walker, Young and Hansen – To create a pilot project of tiny homes (FN) – To Political Subdivisions then Finance
HB2966. By Del. Walker, Young and Pushkin – To create a tax incentive to landlords who allow a first time or second chance housing of houseless individuals, justice impacted persons, assault victims, veterans, and adults who age out of the foster care system. (FN) – To Senior, Children, and Family Issues then Finance
HB2967. By Del. Cooper, Smith, Hillenbrand, Steele, Longanacre, Ridenour, Sheedy, Butler and Honaker – Expediting License Applications for active military members and veterans, and their spouses (FN) – To Veterans’ Affairs and Homeland Security then Government Organization
HB2968. By Del. Cooper, Smith, Steele, Longanacre, Ridenour, Sheedy and Honaker – Tuition and fee exemptions for service-connected Disabled Veterans and their dependents. (FN) – To Veterans’ Affairs and Homeland Security then Finance
HB2969. By Del. Cooper, Smith, Hillenbrand, Steele, Longanacre, Ridenour, Sheedy, Butler and Honaker – Establish a refundable tax credit for veterans with a 100% service-connected disability (FN) – To Veterans’ Affairs and Homeland Security then Finance
HB2970. By Del. Nestor, Steele, Martin, Longanacre, Hott, C. Pritt, Honaker, Garcia, Fast, Kirby and Householder – Creating the equitable right to expungement – To the Judiciary
HB2971. By Del. Young – Access to Rehabilitation Act – To Finance
HB2972. By Del. C. Pritt and Chiarelli – To prohibit public university names for gender affirming care – To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary
HB2973. By Del. C. Pritt – No guardian ad litem is needed on adoptions if both parents sign a relinquishment – To Senior, Children, and Family Issues then the Judiciary
HB2974. By Del. C. Pritt and Jeffries – Creating the West Virginia Native American Tribes Unique Recognition, Authentication, and Listing Act – To Government Organization then the Judiciary
HB2975. By Del. C. Pritt and Phillips – Electric charging stations at state parks must charge market rates – To Energy and Manufacturing then Finance
HB2976. By Del. C. Pritt, McGeehan and Chiarelli – Creating the Keep Roe Reversed Forever Act – To the Judiciary
HB2977. By Del. Foster – Reducing to one year the deadline for right to set aside deed – To the Judiciary
HB2978. By Del. Foster – Eliminating the food handler examination and card – To Health and Human Resources
HB2979. By Del. Steele – Establishing an animal abuser registry – To Agriculture and Natural Resources then the Judiciary
HB2980. By Del. Steele – Removing bona fide schools, public libraries, and museums from the list of exemptions from criminal liability relating to distribution and display to minor of obscene matter – To the Judiciary
HB2981. By Del. Foster – Prohibit the sheriff’s department from posting mug shot photos for an arrest – To the Judiciary
HB2982. By Del. Williams – Increasing the minimum wage based upon increases in the consumer price index – To Workforce Development then the Judiciary
HB2983. By Del. Williams – Relating to cruelty to animals – To the Judiciary
HB2984. By Del. Young – Relating to establishing a program for camera assisted speed enforcement in active school zones in this state – To Technology and Infrastructure then the Judiciary
HB2985. By Del. Williams – Relating to authorizing municipalities to establish outdoor refreshment areas for consumption of alcoholic beverages and non-intoxicating beer – To Political Subdivisions then the Judiciary
HB2986. By Del. Williams – Creating a statutory right to petition circuit and family courts for sibling visitation – To the Judiciary
HB2987. By Del. Foster – To update the requirements of the state director of health to quarantine and enforce regulations in a specific place – To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary
HB2988. By Del. Young – Relating to wholesale importation of prescription drugs – To Health and Human Resources
HB2989. By Del. Ellington – Relating to increasing the number of out-of-state medical students receiving in-state tuition rates who agree to practice for a specific time within West Virginia. – To Education then Finance
HB2990. By Del. Foster – Ensure that persons appointed as guardian’s ad litem in divorce and child custody and parenting cases are properly trained in certified courses of instruction with curricula grounded in the social science bases for determining the best interests of the child (FN) – To the Judiciary
HB2991. By Del. Steele – Establishing the crime of torture – To the Judiciary
HB2992. By Del. Toney – Clarifying and updating school bus rules and the types of vehicles covered – To Education
HB2993. By Del. Summers and Tully – Relating to rural emergency hospital licensure – To Health and Human Resources
HB2994. By Del. Summers and Tully – Relating to expired date of an optometrist’s prescription – To Health and Human Resources
HB2995. By Del. Foster – Relating to requirements for a registered veterinary nurse – To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Government Organization
HB2996. By Del. C. Pritt – Public defender experience counts for judicial retirement (FN) – To Pensions and Retirement then the Judiciary
HB2997. By Del. C. Pritt – To make the HOPE Scholarship applicable to all children – To Education then Finance
HB2998. By Del. C. Pritt, Chiarelli and Kirby – Non-binary not permitted on birth certificates – To the Judiciary
HB2999. By Del. C. Pritt, Kirby and Keaton – To choose to not vaccinate children does not amount to abuse and neglect – To Senior, Children, and Family Issues then Health and Human Resources
HB3000. By Del. C. Pritt, Kirby and Phillips – Universities must accept religious, medical, or right of conscience exemptions to taking vaccinations – To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary
HB3001. By Del. C. Pritt, Chiarelli and Kirby – To prohibit punishment for teachers who refuse to use pronouns inconsistent with a child’s sex – To Education then the Judiciary
HB3002. By Del. C. Pritt, Chiarelli, Keaton and Kirby – To create a crime to send someone abortion pills through the U.S. mail – To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary
HB3003. By Del. C. Pritt, Chiarelli, Keaton and Kirby – Stop practice of medicine by telehealth for abortion prescriptions – To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary
HB3004. By Del. C. Pritt – Relating to transferred right of self-defense to a person who engages an active shooter on school grounds – To the Judiciary
HB3005. By Del. Hardy, Foster, Criss, Hornby, Ridenour, Espinosa, Horst, W. Hall and Westfall – Relating to accelerating the conversion of the state excise tax on the privilege of transferring real property into a county excise tax (FN) – To Finance
HB3006. By Del. Ferrell, Rohrbach, Reynolds, Hardy, Jeffries, Phillips, Honaker, Linville, Riley, Barnhart and Kelly – West Virginia Critical Infrastructure Protection Act – To the Judiciary
HB3007. By Del. Hornby, Clark, Hardy, Capito, Householder, Dean, Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker), Riley, Holstein, Hite and Skaff – To create the West Virginia Small Business Payroll Tax Credit Pilot Program (FN) – To Economic Development and Tourism then Finance
HB3008. By Del. Espinosa, Summers, Linville, Criss, Hardy and C. Pritt – Relating to clarifying the uniform statewide deadline for electronically submitted voter registration – To the Judiciary
HB3009. By Del. Espinosa, Linville, Storch, Criss, Hardy, Skaff and C. Pritt – Relating to voting rights of formerly incarcerated individuals – To the Judiciary
HB3010. By Del. Foster – Relating to medical marijuana – To Workforce Development then the Judiciary
HB3011. By Del. Foster – Relating to the General Revenue Fund – To Government Organization then Finance
HB3012. By Del. Anderson, Zatezalo, Foggin, Heckert, Hott, Barnhart, Ferrell, Young, Hansen, Fehrenbacher and Rowe – To encourage economic development regarding rare earth elements and critical minerals, as defined, by providing temporary severance tax relief – To Energy and Manufacturing then Finance