Thursday, Feb. 9
30th day of the 2023 Legislative Session
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The West Virginia Press Association provides a daily preview of legislative action.
This preview is made possible with the support of AARP WV, WVU University Relations, and the WV Press Association Foundation.

WV Hospital Association, Upper House & Senate Rotunda
WV Nurses Association, Around the Upper Well
WV Professional Educators Day, Lower Rotunda
Professional Fire Fighters of WV Legislative Reception, Embassy Suites, 6 – 8 pm
The Senate will convene at 11 a.m.
S. C. R. 10 – US Army Air Corps PVT Albert J Sutphin Memorial Highway
Eng. Com. Sub. for S. B. 216 – Requiring all schools to instruct students on Holocaust, other genocides and financial literacy
Eng. Com. Sub. for S. B. 472 – Creating criminal offense of indecent exposure in front of minors – (With right to amend)
Eng. Com. Sub. for S. B. 495 – Providing correctional institutions and juvenile facilities video and audio records be confidential
S. B. 234 – Clarifying uniform statewide deadline for electronically submitted voter registration applications (original similar to HB3008)
Rev. Com. Sub. for S. B. 250 – Requiring certain drivers display student driver sign on rear of vehicle
Com. Sub. for S. B. 302 – Relating to Law Enforcement Safety Act
Com. Sub. for S. B. 484 – Clarifying terms and offense of human smuggling
Com. Sub. for S. B. 490 – Patrol Officer Cassie Marie Johnson Memorial Act
S. B. 493 – Exempting WV veterans from certain fees and charges at state parks
Com. Sub. for S. B. 515 – Clarifying deadline to file annual report for companies authorized to do business in WV
S. B. 529 – Allowing businesses to register as limited liability limited partnerships
Com. Sub. for S. B. 532 – Sex Offender Registration Act
S. B. 533 – Relating to limitations on motor vehicle used by nonprofit cooperative recycling associations
Eng. H. B. 2310 – Provide the Division of Motor Vehicles authority to develop an “Antique Fleet” program so that multiple antique motor vehicles may utilize a single registration plate. – (Com. amend. pending)
Eng. H. B. 2602 – Reestablishing certain specialized school service personnel classifications
Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for S. B. 47 – Creating Charter Schools Stimulus Fund
Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for S. B. 187 – Making it felony offense for any school employee or volunteer to engage in sexual contact with students
S. B. 237 – Relating to Public Employees Retirement System and State Teachers Retirement System – (Com. amends. pending)
Com. Sub. for S. B. 290 – Relating to dental health care service plans
S. B. 441 – Removing additional one and one-half percent interest rate for tax underpayments (original similar to HB3246)
S. B. 487 – Extending additional modification reducing federal adjusted gross income
Com. Sub. for S. B. 505 – Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Administration, Office of Secretary
S. B. 508 – Clarifying reporting and disclosure requirements for grassroots lobbying expenditures
Com. Sub. for S. B. 516 – Relating to requirements for disclosure of donor contributions
Com. Sub. for S. B. 527 – Allowing family members of military personnel access to discharge records
Eng. Com. Sub. for H. B. 3061 – Relating to updating the authority of the Foster Care Ombudsman – (Com. amend. pending)
9 a.m.: Government Organization (208W)
- HB 2412: Declaring November 14 every year, a special Memorial Day in remembrance of the Marshall University airplane crash
- Com. Sub. for SB 522: Allocating percentage of county excise taxes for funding improvements to election administration
- Com. Sub. for SB 467: Providing county commissioners ongoing mechanism to consider compensation increases for elected officials every two years
- Com. Sub. for SB 213: Relating to responsibility for reimbursement of training cost of law-enforcement employees who leave original jurisdiction
9 a.m.: Education (451M)
- SB 99: Relating to meetings among county boards of education
- SB 543: Authorizing rule-making changes to terms, procedures and reporting duties in higher education
- HB 3055: To create a vocational math class for students interested in careers in the trades
1 p.m.: Energy, Industry and Mining (208W)
- SB 168: Providing exemption from state severance tax for coal sold to coal-fired power plants located in WV
1 p.m.: Health and Human Resources (451M)
- SB 268: Relating to PEIA
- SB 566: Extending termination date of WV Advisory Council on Rare Diseases
2 p.m.: Judiciary Subcommittee A – Criminal Law (208W)
- SB 72: Modifying definition of sexual contact
- Com. Sub. for SB 78: Creating felony offense of aggravated cruelty to animals
- Com. Sub. for SB 191: Relating to liability for payment of court costs as condition of pretrial diversion agreement
2 p.m.: Judiciary Subcommittee B – Elections (451M)
- SB 541: Providing for election reforms
2 p.m.: Judiciary Subcommittee C – Civil Justice and Courts (219M)
- SB 538: Updating procedure on appeals of level three decisions issued by Public Employees Grievance Board
- SB 229: Limiting liability of landowners when land is used for noncommercial recreational purposes
- SB 6: Providing protection for property owner when someone visiting private cemetery causes damage to property
- SB 560: Limiting recovery on claims for abuse to secure financial solvency of public and private school system
3 p.m.: Judiciary (208W)
- Com. Sub. for SB 548: Clarifying what parties can redeem delinquent property and limiting those entitled to bid
- Com. Sub. for SB 546: Adding and removing certain compounds from controlled substance list
3 p.m.: Finance (451M)
- Presentation: WVU Telestroke Program, Dr. John Brick
- Com. Sub. for SB 266: Relating to tobacco usage restrictions
- SB 523: Clarifying purpose and use of Economic Development Project Fund
- Com. Sub. for 273: Relating to allocation of child protective workers in counties based upon population of county
Senate Bills to be Introduced:
- SB 590: Transferring 911 personnel from Public Employees Retirement System to Emergency Medical Services Retirement System (FN) (Nelson; Pensions then Finance)
- SB 591: Allowing counties and municipalities to jointly undertake development projects (Swope; Economic Development)
- SB 592: Providing tax credit to corporations for existing employer provided child care facilities (Takubo, Smith, Weld; Finance)
- SB 593: Mandating cost of living salary adjustment policy for state employees (FN) (Barrett; Government Organization then Finance)
- SB 594: Specifying fairness in cost sharing calculations for certain high deductible health plans (Takubo; Banking and Insurance)
- SB 595: Relating to real property, tax, and registration requirements associated with carbon offset agreements (Tarr; Finance)
- SB 596: Modifying payment for housing and maintenance of inmates (Barrett, Tarr; Finance)
- SB 597: Allowing Workforce WV to hire classified service exempt employees (Woodrum; Workforce)
- SB 598: Increasing availability of prescription nonopioid medications (Stuart; Health and Human Resources)
- SB 599: Requiring moment of silence at beginning of each school day (Rucker, Roberts, Smith, Taylor; Education then Judiciary)

The House will convene at 11 a.m.
Com. Sub. for H. B. 2002 – Relating to providing support for families (Criss) (Regular)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 2346 – Declaring a shortage of qualified bus operators and allowing retired bus operators to accept employment (Criss) (Regular)
H. B. 2548 – Relating to temporary identification cards for released inmates (Capito) (Regular)
H. B. 2599 – Creating the utility pole rights of way and easement mapping initiative (Capito) (Regular)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 2762 – Allowing variance in state fire code for certain buildings used solely for emergency equipment storage (Phillips) (Regular)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 2845 – Relating to removing expired provisions from the code (Summers) (Regular)
H. B. 2967 – Expediting License Applications for active military members and veterans, and their spouses (Phillips) (Regular)
H. B. 2970 – Creating the equitable right to expungement (Capito) (Regular)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 3036 – Increasing the number of districts and the limit on approved costs under the BUILD WV Act (Criss) (Regular)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 3077 – Relating to making the use of the multi-state real time tracking system permanent (Summers) (Effective From Passage)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 3130 – Creating the Coalfields Energy Research and Economic Development Authority (Phillips) (Regular)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 3164 – To extend the termination date of the West Virginia Advisory Council on Rare Diseases due to a delay in beginning its duties (Summers) (Effective From Passage)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 3191 – Relating to certain facilities operated by the state government to obtain a license (Summers) (Effective From Passage)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 2218 – Distracted Driving Act (Capito) (Regular)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 2621 – Relating generally to bail bondsman (Capito) (Regular)
H. B. 2882 – Making a supplemental appropriation to the Department of Economic Development (Criss) (Effective From Passage)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 3145 – Recognizing the Commission on Uniform State Laws as a presumptive provider of continuing legal education (Capito) (Regular)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 2075 – To provide a means to classify when medications should be continued or stopped for patients (Summers) (Regular)
H. B. 2899 – Repealing two sections of code relating to gas utility rates (Linville) (Regular)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 3111 – Creating Infrastructure Ready Jurisdictions (Linville) (Regular)
H. B. 3199 – Relating to removing the requirement that an ectopic pregnancy be reported (Summers) (Effective From Passage)
H. B. 3268 – Add protections for WV residents who reside out of state for certain time periods from non-renewal of licenses and registration (Linville) (July 1, 2023)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 3306 – Relating to the organizational structure of the Office of Drug Control Policy (Summers) (Regular)
H. B. 3307 – Establishing the West Virginia-Ireland Trade Commission (Howell) (Regular)
9:15 a.m. – the Committee on Senior, Children and Family Issues will meet in the Finance Committee room, 460M
- H. B. 2130, Allowing deductions to determine adjusted gross income for student loan payments or mortgage payments in determining child support.
- H. B. 3163, Revising the definition of attributed support, update the basic child support guidelines, and the calculation of ability to pay.
- H. B. 3118, Creating the Parents’ Bill of Rights.
10:45 a.m. – the committee on Rules will meet behind the Chamber
1 p.m. – the Committee on Energy and Manufacturing will meet in the Judiciary Committee room, 410M
- House Bill 3189, The PFAS Protection Act
- House Resolution 12, Encouraging Monongahela Power to purchase Pleasants Power Station
1 p.m. – the Committee on Technology and Infrastructure will meet in the Education Committee room, 432M
Agenda: TBD
2 p.m. – the Economic Development and Tourism Committee will meet in the Finance Committee room, 460M
Agenda: TBD
3 p.m. – the Committee on Health and Human Resources will meet in the East Wing Committee room, 215E
- HB 2186 – Relating to surgical smoke evacuation
- HB 2592 – To provide safe harbor peer review for nurses (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 2993 – Relating to rural emergency hospital licensure
- HB 3166 – To permit a hospital to hold a patient experiencing a psychiatric emergency for up to 72 hours (2nd REF JUD)
- HB 3200 – Authorize DHHR to transfer state facilities to regional mental health centers or intellectual disability facilities
- HB 3247 – Relating to abuse and or neglect of individuals with an intellectual and or developmental disability
- HB 3317 – Relating to removing specific continuing education requirements
4 p.m. – the Finance Committee will meet in the committee meeting room, 460M
- H. B. 3308, Authorizing PSC consider and issue financing orders to certain utilities to permit the recovery of certain costs through securitization via consumer rate relief bonds.
- H. B. 2839, To make a technical change correcting an incorrect fund name and to clarify the applicability of §22-2-10 to mine lands governed by both §22-3-1 et seq. and §22-2-1 et seq.
- H. B. 2896, Relating to making West Virginia an Agreement State with the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
- H. B. 2821, Relating to taxation of gambling and lottery winnings.