No committee meetings before the 11 a.m. floor sessions
Monday, Jan. 30
20th day of the 2023 Legislative Session
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The West Virginia Press Association provides a daily preview of legislative action.
This preview is made possible with the support of AARP WV, WVU University Relations, and the WV Press Association Foundation.

- Farm Bureau/AG/Forestry Upper House & Senate Rotunda
- WV Game Breeders, 1 or 2 tables around the Well
- Farm Bureau/Forestry Legislative, Reception, Charleston Marriott, 6 p.m.
The Senate will convene at 11 a.m.
- SR 16: Designating January 30,2023, as Future Farmers of America Day at Legislature
- SR 17: Congratulating Kevin Gregory as WV Outstanding Tree Farmer of 2022
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 51: Requiring impact statement in certain instances of school closing or consolidation
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 239: Requiring Commissioner of Bureau for Behavioral Health to engage certain providers and leaders to study homeless demographic
- Eng. SB 241: Relating to Patient Brokering Act
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 243: Requiring substance use disorder inpatient providers to provide transportation to patients
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 248: Clarifying when excess funds accumulated by boards are to be transferred to General Revenue Fund
- Eng. SB 251: Displaying official motto of United States in public schools and institutions of higher education
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 258: Eliminating ceiling on fair market value of consumer goods and permitting dealer to require security deposit
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 270: Adding exemption to permit requirement for cremation
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 271: Modifying approval process requirements for First Responders Honor Board
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 282: Creating WV Guardian Program
- Eng. SB 283: Relating to Military Incentive Program
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 439: Establishing design-build program for DEP
- Com. Sub. for SB 160: WV Rail Trails Program
- Com. Sub. for SB 166: WV Public Employees Retirement Act
- Com. Sub. for SB 188: Grid Stabilization and Security Act of 2023
- Com. Sub. for SB 222: Creating adult education taskforce
- SB 240: Requiring state board of examination or registration proceedings to be open to public inspection
- Com. Sub. for SB 249: WV Real Estate License Act
- SB 306: Establishing Summer Feeding for All Program
- Com. Sub. for SB 335: Authorizing Department of Homeland Security to promulgate legislative rules
- Com. Sub. for SB 356: Authorizing DOT to promulgate legislative rules
- Com. Sub. for SB 426: Banning use of certain products and platforms deemed unsafe or high risk on government systems
- SB 428: Revising requirements of local school improvement councils
- SB 443: Directing payment of estate administration fee to State Auditor
- SB 444: Transferring moneys in WV Future Fund to General Revenue Fund
- SB 446: Removing methanol and methanol fuel from definition of special fuel
- Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2018: Permitting the managed care case coordinator to attend the multidisciplinary team meeting
- Eng. HB 2029: Repealing the creation of an all-payor claims database
1 p.m.: Transportation and Infrastructure (451M)
- Com. Sub. for SB 463: Increasing validity of CDL instruction permit
- Com. Sub. for SB 250: Requiring level one permit holders to display student driver on rear of vehicle
- Com. Sub. for SB 205: Relating to registration plates
- Speakers and Discussion: Slow Drivers in the Left Lane
o Major Shallon R. Oglesby, Chief of Staff Services, West Virginia State Police
o Representative from West Virginia Division of Highways
2 p.m.: Banking and Insurance (451M)
- Agenda TBA
3 p.m.: Judiciary (208W)
- Reports by Subcommittees
o SB 120 – Subcommittee A
o SB 299 – Subcommittee A
o SB 50 – Subcommittee B
- Referrals to Subcommittees
- Com. Sub. for SB 472: Creating criminal offense of indecent exposure in front of minors
- HB 2564: Repeal of administrative hearing procedures for DUI offenses
- Com. Sub. for SB 461: Relating to WV public employees grievance procedure
- Com. Sub. For SB 345 (Revenue Bundle): Authorizing Division of Financial Institutions to promulgate legislative rule relating to money transmission services
o Includes SB 346, Authorizing Insurance Commission to promulgate legislative rule relating to suitability in annuity transactions; SB 347, Authorizing Insurance Commission to promulgate legislative rule relating to pharmacy auditing entities and pharmacy benefit managers; SB 348, Authorizing Insurance Commission to promulgate legislative rule relating to bail bondsmen in criminal case; SB 349, Authorizing Lottery Commission to promulgate legislative rule relating to WV lottery sports wagering; SB 350, Authorizing Tax Department to promulgate legislative rule relating to Valuation of producing and reserve oil, natural gas liquids, and natural gas for ad valorem property tax purposes; SB 351, Authorizing Tax Department to promulgate legislative rule relating to Farm-to-Food Bank tax credit; SB 352, Authorizing Tax Department to promulgate legislative rule relating to WV Film Industry Investment Act; SB 353, Authorizing Tax Department to promulgate legislative rule relating to property transfer tax; SB 354, Authorizing Tax Department to promulgate legislative rule relating to municipal sales and use tax administration; SB 355, Authorizing Tax Department to promulgate legislative rule relating to personnel rule for Tax Division
3 p.m.: Finance (451M)
- SB 224: Establishing revocation of authority for spending by agency in support of challenge to WV law
- HB 2506: Creating a title clearinghouse for non-resident businesses
- HB 2776: Updating meaning of federal adjusted gross income and certain other terms used in West Virginia Personal Income Tax Act
- HB 2777: Updating federal taxable income and other terms in the West Virginia Corporation Net Income Tax Act
- Budget Presentation: West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources
Senate Bills to be Introduced:
- SB 511: Ensuring certain amount of vehicle registration renewal fee be dedicated to Deputy Sheriff’s Retirement System (Woodrum; Government Organization)
- SB 512: Providing that continuing education credits shall be valid for three years (Woodrum; Government Organization)
- SB 513: Relating to brewer and resident brewer licenses (Woodrum; Judiciary)
- SB 514: Clarifying procedure for administrative dissolution of corporations by Secretary of State (Woodrum; Government Organization)
- SB 515: Clarifying deadline to file annual report for companies authorized to do business in WV (Woodrum; Judiciary)
- SB 516: Relating to requirements for disclosure of donor contributions (Azinger, Trump, Weld; Judiciary)
- SB 517: Medical Ethics Defense Act (Maynard; Health and Human Resources then Judiciary)
- SB 518: Establishing dual enrollment pilot program (Rucker; Education)
- SB 519: School Personnel Whistle-Blower Law (Grady, Rucker, Tarr, Trump, Woodrum; Education then Judiciary)
- SR 18: Designating January 31, 2023, as WVU Day at Legislature (Oliverio, Caputo, Maroney, Clements, Smith, Taylor)
- SR 19: Designating January 31, 2023, as WV Academy of Family Physicians’ Day at Legislature (Takubo, Stover)
- SR 20: Recognizing Leadership Jefferson for its services, dedication, and commitment to Jefferson County (Rucker, Barrett)

The House will convene at 11 a.m.
Com. Sub. for S. B. 83 – Authorizing tactical medical professionals to carry firearms (Phillips) (Regular) [Government Organization Committee Amendment Pending]
S. B. 132 – Clarifying criminal offense of harassment (Capito) (Regular)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 2017 – Relating to service of process in child abuse cases (Capito) (Regular)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 2436 – Relating to the implementation of an acuity-based patient classification system (Summers) (Regular)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 2509 – Creating the Uniform Premarital Agreement Act (Capito) (Regular)
H. B. 2510 – To establish the Rare Earth Element and Critical Mineral Investment Tax Credit Act (Howell) (Effective From Passage)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 2569 – Establishing the Motorsport Responsibility Act (Capito) (Regular)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 2596 – To modify when a nonresident student’s transfer may be denied (Ellington) (Regular)
H. B. 2835 – Repeal outdated provisions of code relating to the West Virginia graduate college and Marshall University (Ellington) (Regular)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 2850 – Relating to students with exceptional needs (Ellington) (Regular)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 2890 – Modifying student discipline (Ellington) (Regular)
S. B. 207 – Relating to state allocation of funding to regional councils (Howell) (Regular)
H. B. 2613 – Relating to the administration of anesthetics (Summers) (Effective From Passage)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 2832 – Clarifying appropriate and inappropriate duties for school counselors while also providing the definition of a school counselor (Ellington) (Regular)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 2870 – Correcting a reference relating to siting certificates for certain electric generating facilities (Anderson) (Regular)
Com. Sub. for H. B. 3061 – Relating to updating the authority of the Foster Care Ombudsman (Summers) (Effective From Passage)
Committee on Government Organization, 1 pm – Room 215-E
- Consideration of HB 2768, To require all state entities and Chapter 30 boards to use “.gov” domains and e-mail addressed.
- Consideration of HB 3091, Requiring counties to provide fiscal information for the State Auditor’s WV Checkbook website.
Committee on Education, 2 pm – Room 432-M
- H. B. 2279, Relating to granting in-state resident status to economic development participants.
- H. B. 2443, Relating to service employees with National Association for Pupil Transportation Certifications.
- H. B. 2380, Relating to School Building Authority.
- H. B. 2598, Raising salaries for school service personnel.
- H. B. 2828, Relating to WV teaching salaries.
- H. B. 2941, To extend the end date of the State Advisory Council on Postsecondary Attainment Goals.
- H. B. 2942, Relating to revocation of school personnel certification.
- H. B. 2989, Relating to increasing the number of out-of-state medical students receiving in-state tuition rates who agree to practice for a specific time within West Virginia.
- S. B. 130, Anti-Racism Act of 2023.
Committee on the Judiciary, 3 pm – Room 410-M
- HB2004 – Prevent the use of payment card processing systems for surveillance of Second Amendment activity and discriminatory conduct
- HB2008 – Requiring local entities to enforce immigration laws
- HB2007 – Prohibiting certain medical practices
HB3097. By Del. Foster, Phillips, Jeffries, Fast, Burkhammer, Keaton, Brooks, Martin, Crouse and Steele – Banning Medicaid and CHIP from paying for child and adult transgender surgeries – To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary
HB3098. By Del. Ellington, Statler, Toney, Clark and Hornby – To eliminate the WV General Summative Assessment and replace it with a formative assessment given three times a year – To Education
HB3099. By Del. Young – To establish a grant program for colleges that take steps to establish themselves as Student Basic Needs campuses (FN) – To Education then Finance
HB3100. By Del. Young – Requiring medical insurance providers to include infertility services in their policies (FN) – To Banking and Insurance then Health and Human Resources
HB3101. By Del. Jeffries, Kimble, Warner, Crouse, Tully and Dittman – Relating to notification of breast density – To Health and Human Resources
HB3102. By Del. Jeffries, Kimble, Dittman and Mazzocchi – Creating Adopt-A-Trail volunteer programs for public land under DNR jurisdiction (FN) – To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Government Organization
HB3103. By Del. Jeffries, Summers, Kimble, Crouse, Householder, Phillips, Horst and Worrell – To eliminate the restriction to carry a firearm on the state capitol complex grounds – To the Judiciary
HB3104. By Del. Cooper, Street, Heckert and Sheedy – Require Surveyors to offer to record surveys of property – To Political Subdivisions then Government Organization
HB3105. By Del. Cooper, Toney, Heckert and Sheedy – Requiring Director of transportation have 2 years experience for bus operator – To Education
HB3106. By Del. Burkhammer, Lucas, Chiarelli, Thorne, Brooks, Ferrell and Keaton – Add Kratom to list of schedule I controlled substances – To Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse then the Judiciary
HB3107. By Del. Burkhammer, Householder, Foster, Butler and Riley – Removing certain requirements from WV Jobs Act – To Workforce Development then the Judiciary
HB3108. By Del. Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) and Hornbuckle [By Request of the Executive] – Supplementing and amending appropriations to the Department of Transportation, Division of Multimodal Transportation Facilities – State Rail Authority – To Finance
HB3109. By Del. Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) and Hornbuckle [By Request of the Executive] – Supplementing and amending appropriations to the State Board of Education – State Department of Education – To Finance
HB3110. By Del. Anderson, Zatezalo, Horst, Hansen, Fehrenbacher, Cooper, Martin, Young and Hardy – Relating to funding the Office of Oil and Gas in the Department of Environmental Protection – To Energy and Manufacturing then Finance
HB3111. By Del. Linville, Cannon, Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker), Phillips, Hardy, Summers and Keaton – Creating Infrastructure Ready Jurisdictions – To Political Subdivisions then Technology and Infrastructure
HB3112. By Del. Walker – To create the Emergency Supplemental Victims Service Fund – To Finance
HB3113. By Del. Martin, Clark, Ferrell, Phillips, Hardy, Toney, Ellington, Barnhart, Tully, Mazzocchi and Howell – Requiring high school students to complete course of study in personal finance (FN) – To Education
HB3114. By Del. Street, Gearheart, Kirby, Butler, Burkhammer, Chiarelli, Mazzocchi, Hillenbrand, Petitto, Willis and Brooks – Deny severance pay to employees of DOT for failure or refusal of drug testing – To Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse then the Judiciary
HB3115. By Del. Howell, Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker), Summers, Rohrbach, Kelly, Jeffries, Petitto, Dittman, Cannon, Foggin and Cooper – To allow the development of a specialized intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities – To Health and Human Resources then Finance
HB3116. By Del. Crouse, Jeffries, Lucas, Butler, Maynor, Longanacre, Mazzocchi, Petitto and Honaker – Creating the No Patient Left Alone Act – To Health and Human Resources
HB3117. By Del. Crouse, Worrell, Dillon, Lucas, Butler, Maynor, Longanacre, Mazzocchi, Petitto and Honaker – Remove assessments for homeschoolers – To Education
HB3118. By Del. Butler, Foster, Willis, Dean, Crouse, Dillon, Lucas, Kirby, Jeffries, Kimble and Cooper – Creating the Parents’ Bill of Rights – To Senior, Children, and Family Issues then the Judiciary
HB3119. By Del. Crouse, Foster, Butler, Longanacre, Mazzocchi, Cannon, Shamblin, Lucas, Petitto and Honaker – Authorizing expenditure of revenue from the Municipal Pension and Protection Fund and Fire Protection Fund – To Pensions and Retirement then Finance
HB3120. By Del. Adkins – Split the jail bills among the cities, counties, and the state – To Jails and Prisons then the Judiciary
HB3121. By Del. Jennings – Creating the Stop Our Scourge Act of 2023 – To Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse then the Judiciary
HB3122. By Del. Vance, Butler, Burkhammer, Longanacre, Dean, Kirby, Dillon, Nestor, Brooks, Toney and Cooper – Permitting certain types of rifles using an encapsulated propellant charge that loads from the breech – To Agriculture and Natural Resources then the Judiciary
HB3123. By Del. Smith – Authorizing the Treasurer’s Office to promulgate a legislative rule relating to Hope Scholarship Program – To the Judiciary
HB3124. By Del. Dean, Toney, Longanacre, Horst, Worrell, Foggin, Foster and Bridges – To allow non-resident students enrolled at West Virginia colleges and universities to purchase their hunting and fishing licenses at the resident rate. – To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Finance
HB3125. By Del. Dean, Dillon, Jeffries, Kelly, Steele, Kirby, Toney, Reynolds, Vance, Longanacre and Worrell – Allowing for a paid commission for sheriffs – To Finance
HB3126. By Del. Dean, Dillon, Foster, Jeffries, Steele, Kirby, Toney, Vance, Longanacre, Worrell and Foggin – Allotting counties $5,000 per deputy position to only be used for deputy pay raises – To Political Subdivisions then Finance
HB3127. By Del. Mazzocchi, Longanacre, Martin, Crouse, Holstein, Ridenour, Kimble, Honaker, Street, Brooks and Warner – Requiring state entities, local entities and law enforcement agencies to cooperate with the enforcement of immigration laws – To the Judiciary
HB3128. By Del. Longanacre – Requiring open captions in movie theaters within the State of West Virginia to accommodate the deaf and hard of hearing – To Health and Human Resources
HB3129. By Del. Zatezalo, Anderson, Holstein, Horst, Hott, Hansen, Fehrenbacher, Cooper, Howell, Martin and Young – Relating generally to establishing a design build program for the Department of Environmental Protection – To Energy and Manufacturing then Technology and Infrastructure