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Thurmond gets influx of residents: Furry landscapers to move in for a month


The Register-Herald

National Park Service Ranger Leah Perowski-Sisk, left, describes the reasons for goats being utilized to eat and eradicate invasive plant species to visiting Frametown residents Dawn Dudley and son Will Sunday afternoon in Thurmond.
(Register-Herald photo by Brad Davis)

BECKLEY, W.Va. — Much is made of the fact that Thurmond is nearly a ghost town, a fact that has been used to draw tourists down through the Gorge and near the New River.

Well, that reputation will take a bit of a hit over the next month as the National Park Service hauls in some new residents to help with the yard work.

While not reinventing the town as a 21st-century boomtown miracle, the new residents are sure to draw some curious attention not for who they are but for what they are.

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One of the goats being utilized by the National Parks Service to eat and combat invasive plant species comes to investigate a photographer in Thurmond.
(Register-Herald photo by Brad Davis)

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