Charleston Gazette-Mail
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — A traffic and revenue study that will be instrumental in setting West Virginia Turnpike tolls increases to pay off a $500 million road bond issues is taking longer than expected to complete because of difficulties calculating the impact of a unique super-low priced unlimited use E-ZPass, the Parkways Authority general manager told Senate Finance Committee members Tuesday.
“It’s taking a little longer than expected to get done,” said Greg Barr, state Parkways Authority general manager. “It’s very difficult for them to put a number on as far as how many people will buy in.”
The Legislation authorizing the new round of Turnpike tolls specifies that the cost of the unlimited use pass can be between $8 and $25 a year — deeply discounted over the current $295 cost of an unlimited use Turnpike E-ZPass.
Barr said there is no precedent among toll roads nationally for such a low-price E-ZPass.
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