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Register now for WVPA Convention 2018 in Charleston; book your rooms today

WVPA room discount at Embassy Suites is a limited time offer

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Registration is now open for the West Virginia Press Association’s 2018 WVPA Convention, Aug. 9-11, in Charleston. 
“The WVPA is partnering with WVU’s Academic Media Day program. It’s an excellent opportunity for all media,’ said Don Smith, executive director of the WVPA. “You and your staff will benefit from the great program this year with valuable industry insight, information and ideas.”
“It should also be a fun three days with access to the Clay Center, Live on the Levee, our receptions and awards presentations included in the registration. To keep it affordable for the family, there is guest, spouse and children pricing. I encourage you to review the information and register for convention today with WVPA. Please call me with questions,” Smith said.
Those planning to attend can make hotel reservations with Embassy Suites at 304-304-347-8700. Request the  WVPA room code for the best rate. Register now, the discount ends later this month.

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