By TAYLOR STUCK The Herald-Dispatch
HUNTINGTON, W.Va. — Just as the weather turns the perfect temperature to bring students out of the library and onto the fountain plaza or blankets on Buskirk Field in small groups hunkering down for the final push of the year, students are instead figuring out how to finish up their year home alone amid a growing pandemic.
Marshall University has suspended face-to-face courses for the remainder of the semester, including the first two summer sessions, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, joining universities and K-12 schools across the country.
The past two weeks, including spring break, professors have been working to transition their curriculum online — from art classes to chemistry.
The Marshall’s Online Learning Instructional Design Center held a boot camp for professors before they left for spring break.
Chris Sochor, instructional designer and manager of online learning, said the boot camp went really well, and they were able to maintain safe distances in the process. …