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Mercer County Schools cutting 90 staff positions

By Greg Jordan, Bluefield Daily Telegraph

PRINCETON, W.Va. — Due to declining enrollment and the loss of about $6 million in federal COVID-19 relief money, Mercer County Schools will be cutting 90 service and staff personnel positions, according to the county superintendent of schools.

Mercer County Schools is in the midst of “staffing season,” an annual process that involves analyzing enrollment and staffing at each location, said Superintendent Edward T. Toman.

Reassignments and transfers occur based on changes in enrollment and/or programs. Unique challenges face Mercer County this year due to the loss of approximately $6 million in COVID-19 relief funds, combined with a declining student enrollment, Toman said.

Mercer County’s student enrollment has decreased by more than 500 students in recent years. This decline in student enrollment directly impacts state funding, because West Virginia is one of a minority of U.S. states that pays for education based almost solely on enrollment, while other states include funding to be allocated by student need, Toman said.

Mercer County is over the state aid funding formula by 90 service and professional personnel, he said.

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