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Media Alert: WVU experts available on immigration executive order

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — A number of West Virginia University faculty are available to discuss issues related to the Executive Order signed Friday (Jan. 27) by President Donald Trump suspending entry into the United States “of both nonimmigrants and immigrants” from at least seven countries for 90 days or more from the date the Executive Order was signed.

James Friedberg from the WVU College of Law offers expertise in international law, including the law of war, human rights law and United Nations law. He also teaches immigration and refugee law. Fried berg founded the WVU Immigration Law Clinic and served as director for its first 15 years. He can be reached at 304.293.7400 or by email at [email protected]

Cynthia Gorman is an assistant professor of geography and women’s and gender studies whose research examines refugee and asylum law. She may be reached at 304.293.9299 by email at [email protected]

Karen Culcasi, associate professor of geography, has been working with Syrian refugees in Jordan for two years. She has documented the daily and long-term challenges of displacement. She can be reached at 304.293.0383 or by email at [email protected]

William Brustein, vice president for Global Strategies and International Affairs, offers expertise in international strategy in higher education; ethnic, religious and radical prejudice and political extremism. He can be reached at 304.293.6955 or by email at [email protected]

Doina Jikich, associate director, Immigration Services, WVU’s Office of International Students and Scholars, is available to speak about international students, services and the international experience. She can be reached at 304.293.5950 or by email at [email protected]

David Fryson, vice president of diversity, equity and inclusion. Fryson, an attorney and ordained minister, has spent his entire life working on issues of diversity. He can be reached at 304.293.3431 or by email at [email protected]

David Hauser is an assistant professor of political science and the lead instructor of the department’s introductory Global Political Issues course. He is involved in a variety of the Department’s courses in national security analysis and is currently developing courses on the Introduction to National Security Analysis and on Intelligence Failures. He may be reached at 304.293.3811 or by email at [email protected]

Joe Hagan, Barnette Professor in Political Science within the WVU Eberly College of Arts and Sciences, teaches courses in foreign policy and international relations and serves as the director of the International Studies Program. His research examines the domestic political sources of foreign policy as they relate to war, peace and change in international politics. He may be reached at 304.293.2595 or by email at [email protected]

Scott Crichlow, chair of the WVU Department of Political Science, specializes in U.S. foreign policy and Middle Eastern politics. He can be reached at 304.293.3198 or by email at [email protected]

Eric Olson is an assistant professor in the College of Business and Economics whose work explores the economic cost of terrorism. He co-authored a book called “Measuring the Economic Costs of Terrorism.” He can be reached at 304.293.7879 or by email at [email protected]

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For assistance contact University Relations/Communications at 304.293.6997

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