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MEDIA ADVISORY: WVU to announce significant gift Friday

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — West Virginia University — on Friday at 1 p.m. — has scheduled a media event to announce significant gift.

WHO: President Gordon Gee and College of Business and Economics Dean Javier Reyes

WHAT: The announcement of a significant gift to the University and the College.

WHEN: Friday (Nov. 9), 1 p.m. A media availability will follow at 2 p.m.

WHERE: Erickson Alumni Center, 1 Alumni Dr., Morgantown

NOTES FOR MEDIA: A mult box will be available for recording sound. A media table with access to power will be set up in the back of the room. Time will be available for one-on-one interviews with the principals.

For more information, contact, John A. Bolt; West Virginia University Office of Communications, at 304.293.5520; mailto:[email protected]

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