MEDIA ADVISORY: AARP-WV – 10 a.m. Wednesday update on caregiving services & supportsCHARLESTON, W.Va. — AARP WV is a conducting a news conference on caregiving services & supports at the state Capitol on Wednesday at 10 a.m.
Representatives from AARP West Virginia will join with the West Virginia Directors of Senior and Community Services to discuss details of a recent statewide survey of voters on caregiving services and supports and the aging network’s commitment to providing these critical services in West Virginia communities during a 10 a.m. news conference, Wednesday, February 27 at the West Virginia State Capitol.
AARP West Virginia State President Rich Stonestreet and William Carpenter, president of the West Virginia Directors of Senior and Community Services, are scheduled to participate in Wednesday’s news conference, joined by members of the West Virginia House of Delegates.
AARP recently surveyed 800 registered West Virginia voters across the state to learn about their experiences in family caregiving, with an overwhelming majority of West Virginians expressing strong support for efforts to help older West Virginians remain in their homes longer. West Virginia’s county aging providers serve nearly a half-million older adults in our state, providing home care, congregate (group) and home-delivered meals, case management, family caregiver support, transportation, supportive and caregiver services.
“As the West Virginia Legislature focuses on the completion of its work this session, we must do all that we can to ensure that the State Budget maintains support for critical services that promote greater responsiveness to the needs of older West Virginians,” said Stonestreet.
WHAT: AARP West Virginia leaders join with the West Virginia Directors of Senior and Community Services to discuss details of AARP’s recent statewide survey of voters on caregiving services and supports, and the aging network’s commitment to providing these critical services in West Virginia communities.
WHEN: 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, February 27, 2019
WHERE: Lewis McManus Conference Room
Room 252, Main Building
West Virginia State Capitol
1900 Kanawha Blvd. E, Charleston, WV