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Marshall University welcomes first Planned Parenthood group


The Parthenon

Morgan Karnell, president of Planned Parenthood Generation Action provides attendees with information about Planned Parenthood Generation Action.
(Parthenon photo by Kyra Biscarner)

HUNTINGTON, W.Va. — Planned Parenthood Generation Action is cementing its spot on Marshall’s campus. The group officially launched Monday, providing students information about what the group plans to do.

Morgan Karnell, president of Planned Parenthood Generation Action, said she hopes this event helps get people excited and also helps to educate students about the organization.

“It’s really to get people excited and learn more about the club so they can just come and learn more about how we’re learning and doing things for reproductive rights on campus and in the community,” Karnell said.

The group was previously known as the Students for Reproductive Justice, but Karnell said the change will help bring a familiarity to the organization.

“It’s going through a transformation to Planned Parenthood Generation Action so people are more familiar with the name and we have more opportunities through the organization,” Karnell said.

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