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Hancock delegate to sponsor resolution to require two-thirds majority to approve future tax, fee increases


The Register-Herald

Del. Pat McGeehan, R-Hancock

CHARLESTON, W.Va.  — A Hancock County delegate says he will sponsor a resolution seeking to amend the state Constitution to require two-thirds of both houses in the Legislature to approve any future tax or fee increases before they can be made law.

Delegate Pat McGeehan announced Tuesday he would sponsor the resolution, which he expects to be introduced later this week.

The resolution would need two-thirds majority of both chambers to pass. Then, the amendment would go out to voters for approval.

“The people of West Virginia are taxed enough already, and we need to do everything we can to protect them from politicians in Charleston who want to take more of their hard-earned paychecks,” McGeehan said in the release.

McGeehan said he was happy to hear Gov. Jim Justice say in his state of the state address last week that he is not asking for new taxes to balance the 2019 fiscal year budget.

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