By Mike Tony, HD Media
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Federal regulators have signed off on an agreement for a transfer in ownership of a Pleasants County coal-fired power plant.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Monday approved a transfer of the Pleasants Power Station from an affiliate of Houston-based Energy Transition and Environmental Management to an affiliate of Santa Barbara, California-based Omnis Fuel Technologies LLC.
The Omnis affiliate, Quantum Pleasants LLC, intends to bring the plant out of its current “mothballed,” or inactive, state and start work to build a hydrogen production facility. That transition includes converting the plant’s coal-fired boilers to hydrogen, according to the parties’ June 8 request for FERC approval of the transfer.
Quantum Pleasants was registered with the West Virginia Secretary of State’s Office effective June 5 as a utilities business based near Morgantown and managed by Omnis Chief Financial Officer Randall Smith. …
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