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Editorial: West Virginia must stop postponing school solutions

From The Intelligencer of Wheeling:

No one has a crystal ball capable of predicting the outcome of the dispute between West Virginia’s three school personnel unions and the state Legislature.

But there is one reasonably sure bet: Regardless of what happens regarding salary, health insurance and other disagreements at hand, the fundamental problems of Mountain State public education will remain firmly in place.

Consider two things that have occurred during recent weeks: Grading scales for students and the amount of work they have to do to graduate from high school have been revised downward. In addition, requirements to become certified to teach in our state have been relaxed.

That is no way to make our schools better.

At some point, foundational changes need to be made in how our schools are run. It is apparent we really do need to get back to the basics — and that means a system in which the priority is encouraging teachers to teach, not to jump through a blinding array of bureaucratic hoops.

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