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Editorial: Be Giving — In 2017, remember the less fortunate around us

From The Journal of Martinsburg, W.Va.:

As the bills for Christmas present spending come in next month, many of us will scratch our heads and wonder, “Where did all the money go?”

Those who try to keep charitable organizations running wonder the same thing. Many of them stretch their budgets to — and sometimes past — the breaking point in order to ensure the less fortunate among us get help during the holidays.

Now, they begin looking at their calendars and budgets and wondering how they and those who depend on them will get through the rest of the year.

Hearts and wallets seem open especially wide during the holiday season. Many of us donate money to worthy causes at rates far beyond what we do during the rest of the year.

Need exists 12 months of the year, however.

Poor people will need just as much help with necessities such as food, shelter, clothing and health care this month, next month and beyond as they did on Christmas.

Without a consistent stream of donations from the public, charitable organizations cannot provide the help so many of our  neighbors need.

So yes, it may be necessary for us to make up for the excesses of the holidays by tightening our belts a bit during the next couple of months. But don’t make charitable giving your primary means of saving some money.

Sometimes we hear that the Christmas spirit ought to prevail all year round.

Yes, it should. We hope you consider that a New Year’s resolution for 2017.

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