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Our Children, Our Future offering voter guide

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Our Children, Our Future Coalition has taken its ‘Campaign to End Child Poverity’ to the voters with a voter guide organizers said looks at 18 ideas by West Virginians and for West Virginians that can help transform our state.

The guide is available at no charge but does requirement registration.

“More then half of children in West Virginia kids live in families that struggle to make ends meet. Together, we can change that,” organizers said. “Join a movement of kids and families who fight for kids and families. We’re working to make WV the best place in the world to live, work, and raise a family – no matter who you are.”

The coalition put together 18 ideas, with 115 candidate for office in West Virginia responding to a questionnaire about where they stand on the issues.

Sign up at this link and to receive a link to download a copy of this voter guide.


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