The Parkersburg News and Sentinel

(West Virginia Legislative Photography photo)
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Debate on amendments to the Senate president’s last-dollar-in community and technical college program turned heated, becoming the first issue dividing Senate Republicans and Democrats.
Two amendments proposed by the Senate minority to Senate Bill 1 Tuesday were defeated mostly along party lines, with state Sen. Bill Hamilton, R-Upshur, being the lone Republican to cross over. Debate on the two amendments lasted nearly an hour during a two-hour floor session
SB 1, sponsored by Senate President Mitch Carmichael, R-Jackson, increases access of high school students and adults to community and technical college education for specific fields deemed necessary by the state Department of Commerce. It would create a “last-dollar-in”program to cover the remaining costs of attending the two-year schools once other grants and financial aid packages are exhausted.
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