The Dominion Post
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Some bills were introduced Monday. Local sponsors and co-sponsors, if any, are noted.
SB 335, would prohibit employee wages from being diverted for political purposes without writt-
en consent.
SB 337, would allow parents to refuse administration of a preventa-tive anti-inflammatory eye med-ication to their newborn children.
HB 4015, the bill to move the Fleet Management Office from the Department of Administration’s Purchasing Division to a
standalone under Administration, in order to better manage the state ve-
hicle fleet. Delegates Joe Statler, R-Monongalia, Amy Summers, R-Taylor, and Terri Sypolt, R-Preston, co-sponsors.
HB 4237, the Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act, dealing with sale of property rights by, between and among cotenants.
HB 4248, to permit homeschooled and private-schooled students to take vocational education class-es in public schools.
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