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Around the Rotunda: W.Va. Legislative, committee schedule for Monday, Jan. 20

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Monday, Jan. 20, 2020
13th Day of the Legislative Session

Rotunda and social activities: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; Optometry Day; Upper Senate Rotunda; NFIB; Upper House Walkway

The Senate will convene at 11 a.m.


  • SR 9: Designating January 20, 2020, as Down Syndrome Awareness Day


  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 16: Creating Protect Our Right to Unite Act
  • Eng. SB 42: Permitting faith-based electives in classroom drug prevention programs
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 225: Empowering municipalities to enact Adopt-A-Street programs


  • Com. Sub. for SB 125: Prohibiting victim from being subjected to certain physical examinations for sexual offenses
  • Com. Sub. for SB 217: Requiring DHHR collaborate with Workforce Development Board and WV Division of Personnel for job placement
  • Com. Sub. for SB 323: Authorizing Department of Administration promulgate legislative rules


  • Com. Sub. for SB 192: Relating to WV Secondary School Activities Commission audits
  • Com. Sub. for SB 297: Requiring Board of Education create home economics course
  • SB 307: Correcting code citation relating to certain tax liens
  • SB 322: Relating to prequalifications for state contract vendors

Scheduled Committee Meetings

1 p.m.: Natural Resources (208W)

SB 468: Relating to eligibility for license or permit application

SB 470: Relating to use of crossbow to hunt

SB 486: Permitting ABCC licensees operating at state park locations pay in arrears

SB 487: Providing exception that all DNR payments be deposited within 24 hours

SB 500: Relating to Class Y special crossbow hunting permit

SB 501: Relating to North Bend Rail Trail, Greenbrier River Trail, and Elk River Trail

SB 469: Increasing replacement costs for game and protected species

SB 160: Creating Voluntary WVU Rifle Team Check-Off Program on hunting and fishing licenses

2 p.m.: Banking and Insurance (451M)

  • Agenda TBA

3 p.m.: Judiciary (208W)

  • SB 292: Relating to criminal offenses of stalking and harassment
  • SB 311: Relating to court-ordered community service
  • SB 321: Relating to collection of tax and priority of distribution of estate or property in receivership
  • SCR 4: Urging Congress call convention to propose amendment on congressional term limits

3 p.m.: Finance (451M)

  • Budget Presentation: West Virginia Department of Education
  • Budget Presentation: West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission and West Virginia Community and Technical Colleges

Senate Bills to be Introduced Monday, January 20, 2020

  • SB 535: Eliminating minimum spacing requirements for drilling of deep wells by oil and gas operators (Smith)
  • SB 536: Relating to disclosure of fundraising contributions during legislative session (Ihlenfeld)
  • SB 537: Relating to hunting, trapping, and fishing licenses (Maynard)
  • SB 538: Repealing excise tax on soft drinks       (Maynard)
  • SB 539: Clarifying county airports may not prohibit carrying or possessing of firearms by those allowed to by law (Maynard)
  • SB 540: Authorizing boards of education create dashboard to display certain information       (Maynard)
  • SB 541: Creating position of homeless education coordinator in urban counties (Baldwin)
  • SB 542: Prohibiting political activities by members of State Board of Education (Beach)
  • SB 543: Establishing Minority Health Advisory Team (Jeffries)
  • SB 544: Authorizing pharmacists and pharmacy interns administer vaccines (Ihlenfeld)
  • SB 545: Authorizing transfer of moneys from Insurance Commission Fund to Workers’ Compensation Old Fund (Tarr)
  • SB 546: Requiring Medicaid and insurance coverage for treatment of pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders (Beach)
  • SB 547: Relating to employer testing, notice, termination, and forfeiture of unemployment compensation (Trump)
  • SB 548: Relating to occupational licensing or government certification (Maynard)
  • SB 549: Relating to informed consent for vaccinations (Maynard)
  • SJR 6: Supervision of Free Schools Modification Amendment (Rucker)
  • SR 10: Designating January 21, 2020, as West Virginia University Day (Prezioso, Beach, Sypolt, Smith, Clements, Maroney)

* (FN) indicates the bill has a Fiscal Note

* (IB) indicates the bill is an Interim Bill


Special Calendar

House to convene at 11 a.m.

On the agenda:


·         H. B. 4010 – Changing the licensing requirement for certain casino employees

·         H. B. 4062 – Reducing the cost of prescription drugs

·         Com. Sub. for H. B. 4091 – Allowing for expedited oil and gas well permitting upon payment of applicable expedited fees

·         Com. Sub. for H. B. 4096 – Requiring candidates to live in the state or local election district for the office for which they are seeking

SECOND READING – Amendment Stage

·         Com. Sub. for H. B. 4017 – Establishing country roads accountability and transparency

·         Com. Sub. for H. B. 4020 – Removing authority of municipalities to require occupational licensure if licensure for the occupation is required by the state

·         Com. Sub. for H. B. 4108 – Relating generally to certificates of need for health care services

·         H. B. 4130 – Relating to competitive bidding for government construction contracts arising out of declared states of emergency 

·         H. B. 4141 – Requiring the Department of Administration to publish its comprehensive annual financial report by the end of December


·         Com. Sub. for H. B. 2086 – Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act

·         Com. Sub. for H. B. 4077 – Increasing the amount of the bond required to be posted by proprietary schools

·         Com. Sub. for H. B. 4119 – Establishing the crime of torture

·         Com. Sub. for H. B. 4275 – Fire Commission, state fire code

·         H. B. 4417 – Relating to permitting professional boards

·         H. B. 4419 – Relating to the Controlled Substance Monitoring Database

Public Hearing:

Committee on the Judiciary

8:30 a.m. – House Chamber

H. B. 4275, Fire Commission, state fire code.

Committee Meetings Scheduled:

Committee on the Judiciary

9:30 a.m. – Room 418 M

Com. Sub. for S. B. 94, Providing persons with physical disabilities ability to vote by electronic absentee ballot,

H. B. 4393, Relating to making suffocation and asphyxiation crimes,

H. B. 2892, Including digital and virtual information in the definition of property that can be searched and seized by a warrant,

H. B. 4002, Creating a felony crime relating to drug delivery resulting in death

Committee on Rules

10:45 a.m. – Behind Chamber

Agriculture and Natural Resources

1:00 p.m. – Room 418 M


·         H. B. 4208, Commissioner of Agriculture, animal disease control.

·         H. B. 4209, Commissioner of Agriculture, fresh food act.

·         H. B. 4210, Commissioner of Agriculture, poultry rules for hatcheries, growers and contractors pertaining to poultry disease control and eradication.

·         H. B. 4211, Commissioner of Agriculture, grade “A” pasteurized milk.

·         H. B. 4212, Commissioner of Agriculture, WV manufacture-grade milk.

·         H. B. 4213, Commissioner of Agriculture, WV exempted dairy farms and milk and milk products processing rules.

·         H. B. 4214, Commissioner of Agriculture, West Virginia spay neuter assistance program.

·         H. B. 4215, Commissioner of Agriculture, captive cervid farming.

·         H. B. 4260, Commissioner of Agriculture, auctioneers.

·         H. B. 4261, Commissioner of Agriculture, employment reference and inquiries and background checks.

·         H. B. 4262, Commissioner of Agriculture, industrial hemp.

·         H. B. 4263, Commissioner of Agriculture, hemp products.

·         H. B. 4264, Commissioner of Agriculture, farmers markets.

Natural Resources:

·         H. B. 4224, Division of Forestry, sediment control during commercial timber-harvesting operations-licensing.

·         H. B. 4225, Division of Forestry, sediment control during commercial timber-harvesting operations-logger certification.

·         H. B. 4236, Division of Natural Resources, commercial whitewater outfitters.

·         H. B. 4237, Division of Natural Resources, transporting and selling wildlife pelts and parts.

·         H. B. 4238, Division of Natural Resources, boating rule.

·         H. B. 4239, Division of Natural Resources, special requirements concerning boating.

·         H. B. 4240, Division of Natural Resources, defining the terms used in all hunting and trapping.

·         H. B. 4241, Division of Natural Resources, prohibitions when hunting and trapping.

·         H. B. 4242, Division of Natural Resources, catching and selling bait fish.

·         H. B. 4243, Division of Natural Resources, falconry.

·         H. B. 4305, Division of Natural Resources, special boating rule.

·         H. B. 4306, Division of Natural Resources, public use of campgrounds in West Virginia State Parks and State Forests and campsites in State Rail Trails.

·         H. B. 4307, Division of Natural Resources, special projects and grants for West Virginia State Parks, State Forests, and State Rail Trails.

·         H. B. 4308, Division of Natural Resources, special fishing rule.

Banking & Insurance

1:00 p.m. – Room 215 E

(***Agenda to be posted.***)

Committee on Finance

3:00 p.m. – Room 462 M

·         Budget Hearing for Department of Agriculture

·         Budget Hearing for WV Conservation Agency

Committee on Government & Organization

4:00 p.m. – Room 215 E

·         HB 4011, Reorganizing various boards and authorities for the licensing and oversight of trades, occupations, and professions.

·         HB 4388, Limiting the Alcohol Beverage Control Commissioner’s authority to restrict advertising.

·         HB 4216, West Virginia Board of Dentistry, rule for the West Virginia Board of Dental Examiners. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

·         HB 4339, Board of Social Work, qualifications for the profession of social work. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

·         HB 4342, Board of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, disciplinary and complaint procedures for speech-language pathology and audiology. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

·         HB 4346, Board of Veterinary Medicine, registration of veterinary technicians. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

·         HB 4340, Board of Social Work, fee schedule. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

·         HB 4259, Board of Architects, fees for registration of architects. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

·         HB 4341, Board of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, licensure of speech-pathology and audiology. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

·         HB 4347, Board of Veterinary Medicine, schedule of fees. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

·         HB 4252, Board of Accountancy, board rules and rules of professional conduct. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

·         HB 4327, Board of Registration for Professional Engineers, examination, licensure and practice of professional engineers. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

·         HB 4328, Board of Professional Surveyors, examination and licensing of professional surveyors in West Virginia. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

·         HB 4345, Board of Veterinary Medicine, organization and operation and licensing of veterinarians. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

·         HB 4231, Division of Labor, supervision of plumbing work. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

·         HB 4232, Division of Labor, regulation of heating, ventilating and cooling work. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

·         HB 4235, Division of Motor Vehicles, state vehicle title, registration and relicensing project of 2018. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

·         HB 4244, Board of Occupational Therapy, fees for services rendered by the board. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

·         HB 4258, Board of Architects, registration of architects. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

·         HB 4269, West Virginia Board of Dentistry, dental advertising. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

·         HB 4304, Division of Motor Vehicles, safety and treatment program. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

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