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Around the Rotunda: Legislative, Committee Schedule for Tuesday, April 4

W.Va. Legislative Committee Meeting Schedule – Subject to change

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Tuesday, April 4, 2017


The Senate will convene at 11 a.m.



  • SCR 54: Requesting study of allowing teachers to post online schedule of calendar of activities
  • SCR 55: Requesting study on ways and methods of generating revenue to complete I-73 and I-74
  • SCR 56: Requesting study of creation and role of WV Motorsports Commission
  • SCR 57: Requesting study of feasibility of repurposing, renovating or disposing of vacated school buildings
  • SCR 58: Requesting study on benefits of using nonemployees to improve state parks or forests
  • SCR 59: Requesting study of allowing WV Disaster Recovery Board restore access to private property following natural disaster
  • SR 67: Declaring January 26 of each year Danny Heater Day



  • SCR 53: US Army SGT Benny Fleming Memorial Bridge



Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 304: Appropriating expiring funds from State Fund, General Revenue to DHHR (original similar to HB 3103)

Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 476: Expiring funds from Revenue Shortfall Reserve Fund to General Revenue (original similar to HB 2801)

Eng. SB 694: Expiring funds to unappropriated surplus balance in General Revenue fund to Department of Administration

Eng. HB 2188: Extending the length of time for the special Community-Based Pilot Demonstration Project to Improve Outcomes for At-Risk Youth

Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2364: Prohibiting electioneering within or near early voting locations during early voting periods (Com. title amend. pending)

Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2404: Barring persons who are convicted of certain criminal offenses from acquiring property from their victims

Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2479: Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act (Com. title amend. pending)

Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2509: Relating to the practice of telemedicine (Com. title amend. pending)

Eng. HB 2518: Creating a legislative rule to permit a pharmacist or pharmacy intern to administer certain immunizations

Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2519: Medicaid program compact (Com. title amend. pending)

Eng. HB 2522: Nurse licensure compact

Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2526: Classifying additional drugs to Schedules I, II, IV and V of controlled substances

Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2586: Relating to required minimum distribution of retirement benefits of plans administered by the Consolidated Public Retirement Board (original similar to SB 355)

Eng. HB 2653: Extending the Multi State Real-Time Tracking System

Eng. HB 2706: Authorizing legislative rules regarding higher education

Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2731: Clarifying civil actions heard in circuit court (Com. title amend. pending) (original similar to SB 454)

Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2739: Relating to supplemental Medicaid provider reimbursement

Eng. HB 2796: Relating to the West Virginia National Guard entering into contracts and subcontracts for specialized technical services (original similar to SB 502)

Eng. HB 2856: Declaring public policy and legislative intent for improving the marketing, quality and frequency of passenger rail service of the Cardinal Passenger Train (Com. title amend. pending)

Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2948: Establishing timelines for taking final action on certain permits


  • Com. Sub. for SB 199: Budget Bill
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2006: Increasing the penalties for violating the Whistle-blower Law
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2083: Increasing the felony criminal penalties for exposing children to methamphetamine manufacturing: (Com. amend. and title amend. pending)
  • Eng. HB 2119: Repealing West Virginia Health Benefit Exchange Act
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2219: Authorizing miscellaneous boards and agencies to promulgate legislative rules: (Com. amend. pending) (original similar to SB 84)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2303: Increasing criminal penalties for littering: (Com. amend. pending)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2319: Relating to candidates or candidate committees for legislative office disclosing contributions: (Com. title amend. pending) (original similar to SB 8)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2367: Establishing a criminal offense of organized retail crime: (Com. amend. and title amend. pending)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2373: Authorizing school bus drivers trained in administration of epinephrine auto-injectors to administer auto-injectors: (Com. amend. and title amend. pending)
  • Eng. HB 2427: Requiring agencies listed in the online state phone directory to update certain employee information (original similar to SB 267)
  • Eng. HB 2446: Relating to the requirement that all executive branch agencies maintain a website that contains specific information (Com. amend. pending) (original similar to SB 269)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2453: Expanding the list of persons the Commissioner of Agriculture may license to grow or cultivate industrial hemp
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2475: Authorizing the Tax Commissioner to collect tax, interest and penalties due and owing from payments to vendors and contractors from the Auditor and other state, county, district or municipal officers and agents
  • Eng. HB 2548: Relating to the use of outside speakers by persons licensed to manufacture, sell, possess for sale, transport or distribute nonintoxicating beer (original similar to HB 2888)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2555: Relating to tax credits for apprenticeship training in construction trades (Com. amends. and title amend. pending) (original similar to SB 191)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2619: Risk Management and Own Risk and Solvency Assessment Act (Com. amend. and title amend. pending)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2676: Transferring the Security office under the Division of Culture and History to the Division of Protective Services
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2683: Relating to West Virginia Insurance Guaranty Association Act (original similar to SB 434)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2726: Authorizing home incarceration officers to arrest participants for violating the terms and conditions of his or her supervision with or without a court order
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2734: Authorizing a method for the collection and remittance of property taxes related to dealers’ heavy equipment inventory (Com. amends. pending) (original similar to SB 603)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2767: Authorizing the Secretary of State to transmit electronic versions of undeliverable mail to the circuit clerks (Com. amend. and title amend. pending)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2898: Authorizing the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to request and obtain criminal background checks of employees of the Legislature
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2939: Relating to the sale of items in the State Police Academy post exchange to the public (original similar to SB 570, SB 665)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2949: Exempting specified Division of Natural Resources’ contracts for some replacement, repair or design for repairs to facilities from review and approval requirements
  • Eng. HB 2963: Eliminating tax lien waiver requirement for estates of nonresidents (original similar to SB 594)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2980: Relating to civil lawsuit filing fees for multiple defendant civil action (Com. amend. and title amend. pending)


  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2129: Relating to the powers and authority of state and local law enforcement to enforce underage drinking laws at private clubs (Com. amend. and title amend. pending)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2195: Relating to requiring comprehensive drug awareness and prevention program in all public schools
  • Eng. HB 2348: Eliminating any requirement that class hours of students be consecutive
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2402: Relating to abandoned antique vehicles (Com. amends. pending) (original similar to HB 2445, SB 382)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2494: Providing that statewide school report cards are only to be made available to custodial parents and guardians of students upon request (Com. title amend. pending)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2503: Relating to the rulemaking authority for Board of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2546: Allowing replacement costs of employer provided property to be deducted from an employee’s final paycheck if the property is not returned (Com. amend. and title amend. pending)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2579: Increasing the penalties for transporting controlled substances (Com. amend. and title amend. pending) (original similar to HB 2448, HB 2602)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2585: Creating felony crime of conducting financial transactions involving proceeds of criminal activity (Com. amend. and title amend. pending)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2589: Permitting students who are homeschooled or attend private schools to enroll and take classes at the county’s vocational school (Com. amend. and title amend. pending)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2603: Relating to municipal policemen’s or firemen’s pension and relief funds that are funded at one hundred and twenty-five percent or more
  • Eng. HB 2628: Relating generally to the powers and duties of the Board of Medicine and the Board of Osteopathic Medicine (Com. amend. and title amend. pending) (original similar to HB 2423, HB 2630)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2631: Relating to time standards for disposition of complaint proceedings
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2646: Terminating the Women’s Commission and discontinue its functions (Com. amend. and title amend. pending)
  • Eng. HB 2691: Allowing a person who is qualified by training to be a barber and a cosmetologist to elect to practice solely as a barber
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2702: Relating to excused absences for personal illness from school (Com. amends. and title amend. pending)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2709: Authorizing the City of South Charleston to levy a special district excise tax (original similar to SB 565)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2771: Relating to temporary teaching certificates for Armed Forces spouses (Com. amend. pending)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2792: Requiring the Library Commission to survey the libraries of the state
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2797: Codifying statutory immunity for government agencies and officials from actions of third-parties using documents or records
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2805: Finding and declaring certain claims against the state and its agencies to be moral obligations of the state (Com. amends. pending)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2815: Relating to higher education governance: (Com. amends. and title amend. pending)
  • Eng. HB 2833: Specifying the contents and categories of information for inclusion in annual reports
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2839: Updating the procedures for legislative review of departments and licensing boards
  • Eng. HB 2869: Providing for paid leave for certain state officers and employees during a declared state of emergency (Com. amend. and title amend. pending)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2897: Raising the amount required for competitive bidding of construction contracts by the state and its subdivisions (Com. amends. pending)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2941: Requiring the Commissioner of the Division of Highways to utilize the Attorney General for all legal assistance and services
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2961: Relating generally to charitable bingo games and charitable raffles (Com. title amend. pending) (original similar to SB625)
  • Eng. HB 2962: Enlarging the authority of the Tax Commissioner to perform background investigations of employees and contractors (Com. amend. pending) (original similar to SB 598)
  • Eng. HB 2967: Relating generally to administration of estates and trusts (Com. amends. pending)
  • Eng. HB 3022: Relating to the reporting of fraud, misappropriation of moneys, and other violations of law to the commission on special investigations
  • Eng. HB 3037: Removing the Division of Energy as an independent agency (Com. amend. and title amend. pending)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 3048: Relating to collection of Tier II fees for chemical inventories (Com. title amend. pending) (original similar to SB 629)
  • Eng. HB 3053: Relating to motor vehicle lighting
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 3080: Requiring instruction in the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution (Com. amend. pending)


Committee Schedule:

9:30 a.m.: Finance (451M)

  • Committee Substitute for HB 2552: Increasing the pet food registration fee and directing that the additional money be deposited into the West Virginia Spay Neuter Assistance Fund
  • Committee Substitute for HB 2720: Allowing the School Building Authority to transfer funds allocated into the School Construction Fund


10 a.m.: Transportation and Infrastructure (451M)

  • Concurrent Resolutions

o   SCR 33: US Army Ranger SGT Richard E. Arden Memorial Bridge

o   SCR 42: Five Champ Brothers Bridge

o   SCR 49: Erecting signs in Kanawha County declaring Home of Ralph Maddox 1980 NHPA Hall of Fame

o   HCR 13: U.S. Army SSG Brian Curtis Rogers Bridge

o   HCR 20: U.S. Army PVT James Earl Pelfrey Memorial Bridge

o   HCR 22: U.S. Air Force MSgt Johnny Baxter Clark and U.S. Air Force MSgt Carl Richard (Dick) Clark Memorial Bridge

o   HCR 25: U.S. Army PVT Charles E. Ellis and U.S. Army PVT Ira V. Ellis Memorial Bridge

o   HCR 36: U.S. Army PFC John Ira Pinkerman Memorial Bridge

o   HCR 49: U.S. Army PFC Donald Ray Cochran Memorial Bridge

o   HCR 51: “Toby” Runyon Memorial Bridge

o   HCR 54: U.S. Army PVT Preston D. Vanscoy Memorial Bridge

o   HCR 60: William “Bill” R. VanGilder Memorial Bridge

o   HCR 82: U.S. Marine Sergeant David Paul McCord Memorial Bridge

o   HCR 5: U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Frederick Burdett Warder Memorial Bridge

o   HCR 8: Dr. Roy and Marian Eshenaur Bridge

o   HCR 10: John Cameron Brown Bridge

o   HCR 24: SGT. Eugene Arbogast Memorial Bridge

o   HCR 27: U.S. Army 1LT Patricia Simon Bridge

  • HB2694: Relating to the development and implementation of a program to facilitate commercial sponsorship of rest areas
  • HB3064: Allowing vehicles of a size and weight exceeding certain specification to operate over specified routes


2 p.m.: Government Organization (208W)

  • HB 2004: Creating and maintaining a centralized state vehicle inventory system
  • HB 3093: Establishing Broadband Enhancement and Expansion Policies
  • HB 2724: Relating to creating a pilot program under the Herbert Henderson Office of Minority Affairs
  • HB 2554: West Virginia Contractor Licensing Act


2 p.m.: Education (451M)

  • HB 2711: Abolishing regional educational service agencies and providing for the transfer of property and records
  • HB 2637: Relating to employment of retired teachers and prospective employable professional personnel in areas of critical need and shortage
  • HB 2651: Relating generally to standardized testing requirements for nonpublic schools
  • HB 2799: Prohibiting the superintendent of schools from requiring a physical examination to be included to the application for a minor’s work permit
  • HB 2887: Relating to retirement and separation incentives
  • HB 3095: Allowing retired teachers to be employed by a higher education institution
  • HB 3061: Encouraging mastery-based education through the Innovation In Schools program
  • HB 2571: Developing a resource for use by parents to monitor and track deaf and hard-of-hearing children’s expressive and receptive language acquisition
  • CR 66: Sustainability of the state’s current system of higher education


3 p.m.: Judiciary (208W)

  • HB 2857: West Virginia Safer Workplaces Act
  • HB 2930: Allowing powerball, hot lotto, and mega millions winners to remain anonymous
  • HB 2916: Authorizing certain first responders to carry firearms
  • HB 3018: Adding definition of correctional employee to the list of persons against whom an assault is a felony
  • HB 2850: Relating to product liability actions
  • HB 2359: Relating to offenses and penalties for practicing osteopathic medicine without a license
  • HB 2620: West Virginia Drug Overdose Monitoring Act
  • HB 2781: Requiring a person desiring to vote to present documentation identifying the voter to one of the poll clerks
  • HB 2675: Relating to primary elections and nominating procedures




Tuesday, April 4, 2017  


House to convene at 11 a.m.

56th Day of the Legislative Session


*         Com. Sub. for H. C. R. 78<> – Almond Brothers and Family Veterans Bridge (Amendment Pending)

*         H. C. R. 96<> – U. S. Marine Corps Cpl Mark Douglas Cool Memorial Bridge

*         H. C. R. 103<> – U S Army PFC Tracy Victor Rohrbaugh Memorial Bridge



*         S. B. 28<> – Creating new system for certain contiguous counties to establish regional recreation authorities

*         S. B. 169<> – Repealing article providing assistance to Korea and Vietnam veterans exposed to certain chemical defoliants

*         S. B. 170<> – Repealing state hemophilia program

*         S. B. 171<> – Repealing Programs of All-Inclusive Care for Elderly

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 180<> – Relating to PSC jurisdiction over certain telephone company and internet services

*         S. B. 186<> – Adjusting date when children become eligible for certain school programs and school attendance requirements

*         S. B. 198<> – Expanding Health Sciences Program to allow certain medical practitioners in underserved areas

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 221<> – Relating to composition of PEIA Finance Board

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 239<> – Limiting use of wages by employers and labor organizations for political activities

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 280<> – Moving administration of Civil Air Patrol to Adjutant General

*         S. B. 321<> – Reporting requirements of employee information to CPRB

*         S. B. 344<> – Relating to application of payments on consumer credit sale and loans

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 350<> – Allowing licensed professional counselors be issued temporary permit

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 358<> – Relating generally to trustee sale of timeshare estates

*         S. B. 364<> – Incorporating changes to Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement

*         S. B. 365<> – Maintaining solvency of Unemployment Compensation Fund

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 386<> – Creating WV Medical Cannabis Act

*         S. B. 392<> – Relating to Municipal Police Officers and Firefighters Retirement System

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 398<> – Creating Emergency Volunteer Health Practitioners Act

*         S. B. 495<> – Relating to regulation of events by State Athletic Commission

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 505<> – Providing five-year reclamation period following completion of well pads for horizontal wells

*         S. B. 564<> – Relating to Statewide Independent Living Council

*         S. B. 566<> – Claims against state

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 581<> – Relating generally to administration of trusts

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 588<> – Relating to reproduction, distribution and sale of tax maps

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 671<> – Relating to WV Anatomical Board

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 4<> – Allowing licensed professionals donate time to care of indigent and needy in clinical setting (Judiciary Committee Amendment Pending)

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 300<> – Supplemental appropriation from unappropriated balance in Treasury to Division of Personnel

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 303<> – Supplemental appropriation of public moneys from Treasury to DHHR

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 305<> – Supplemental appropriation of public moneys from Treasury to Fire Commission

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 337<> – Hiring correctional officers without regard to placement on correctional officer register

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 412<> – Relating to WV Jobs Act reporting requirements (Government Organization Committee Amendment Pending)

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 484<> – Relating generally to taxation (Finance Committee Amendment Pending)

*         S. B. 493<> – Providing increase in compensation for conservation officers (Finance Committee Amendment Pending)

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 499<> – Creating Debt Resolution Services Division in Auditor’s office

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 563<> – Relating to Consumer Credit and Protection Act

*         S. B. 621<> – Providing certain rules inapplicable after county board of education notifies state board of possible closing or consolidations (Education Committee Amendment Pending)

*         Com. Sub. for H. B. 2018<> – Budget Bill, making appropriations of public money out of the treasury in accordance with section fifty-one, article six of the Constitution

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 134<> – Authorizing Bureau of Commerce to promulgate legislative rules (Judiciary Committee Amendment Pending)

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 240<> – Creating crime of nonconsensual distribution of sexual images (Judiciary Committee Amendment Pending)

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 255<> – Relating generally to filling vacancies in elected office (Judiciary Committee Amendment Pending)

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 299<> – Supplementing, amending, decreasing and increasing items of appropriations from State Road Fund to DOH

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 339<> – Creating Legislative Coalition on Chronic Pain Management (Health and Human Resources Committee Amendment Pending)

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 360<> – Creating Legislative Coalition on Diabetes Management (Health and Human Resources Committee Amendment Pending)

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 402<> – Relating to covenants not to compete between physicians and hospitals (Judiciary Committee Amendment Pending)

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 441<> – Establishing Municipal Home Rule Pilot Program (Government Organization Committee Amendment Pending)

*         S. B. 490<> – Clarifying standard of liability for officers of corporation

*         S. B. 578<> – Relating generally to copies of health care records furnished to patients (Judiciary Committee Amendment Pending)

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 602<> – Creating uniform system of recording and indexing fictitious names used by sole proprietors

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 606<> – Relating to minimum wage and maximum hours for employees

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 631<> – Prosecuting violations of municipal building code

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 636<> – Authorizing State Fire Commission establish program to address problems facing VFDs

*         S. B. 690<> – Authorizing WV State Police impose and collect fees for agencies and entities using their facilities


Committee Schedule:

Committee on Roads & Transportation – 8:15 a.m. – Room 215E
*         House Concurrent Resolution 98<>, John H. Reed, Jr. Memorial Bridge

*         House Concurrent Resolution 65<>, Hobert G. ‘Hobie’ Underwood Memorial Bridge

*         House Concurrent Resolution 47<>, U. S. Army CPL Wilson B. Lambert, Jr. Memorial Road

*         House Concurrent Resolution 118<>, Craddock Brothers Bridge

*         Senate Concurrent Resolution 14<>, US Army PVT Oren J. “Junior” Johnson Memorial Bridge

*         Senate Concurrent Resolution 18<>, US Marine CPL Walter Vincent Filipek Memorial Bridge

*         House Concurrent Resolution 53<>, US Army Corporal Jerry Lee Noble Memorial Bridge

*         House Concurrent Resolution 64<>, Gill Brothers World War II Veterans’ Memorial Bridge

*         House Concurrent Resolution 84<>, U.S. Army Air Force S/SGT Harold ‘Dean’ Baker Memorial Bridge

*         House Concurrent Resolution 93<>, Extending WV Route 93


Committee on Finance – 9 a.m. – Room 460M

*         S. B. 433<>, Permitting counties increase excise tax on privilege of transferring real property.

*         S. B. 595<>, Allowing county assessors make separate entries in land books when real property is partly used for exempt and partly nonexempt purposes.

*         S. B. 461<>, Exempting WV State Police from state purchasing requirements.

*         S. B. 686<>, Exempting facilities governed by DHHR that provide direct patient care.

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 533<>, Relating to taxes on wine and intoxicating liquors.

*         S. B. 486<>, Relating to health care provider taxes.

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 535<>, Reorganizing Division of Tourism.

1  p.m. – Room 460M

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 238<>, Increasing tax credits allowed for rehabilitation of certified historic structures.

*         S. B. 482<>, Relating generally to WV Parkways Authority.

*         S. B. 25<>, Creating farm-to-food bank tax credit.

*         S. B. 235<>, Relating to motorcycle registration renewal.

*         S. B. 444<>, Establishing Court Advanced Technology Subscription Fund.

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 440<>, Relating to use of Regional Jail and Correctional Facility Authority funds.

*         S. B. 185<>, Allowing spending units designate fund into which proceeds from sale of surplus property must be deposited.

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 477<>, Increasing State Road Fund by raising DMV fees and motor fuel excise taxes .

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 183<>, Transferring Division of Forestry from Department of Commerce to Department of Agriculture.

*         S. B. 547<>, Modifying fees paid to Secretary of State.


Committee on Education – 9 a.m. – Room 434M

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 656<>, Relating to Student Data Accessibility, Transparency and Accountability Act

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 40<>, Requiring inclusion of protocols for response to after-school emergencies in school crisis response plans

*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 630<>, Establishing Accessibility and Equity in Public Education Enhancement Act

*         S. B. 401<>, Allowing county board of education base employment decisions on individual’s qualifications


Committee on Health & Human Resources – 9 a.m. – Room 215E

*         SB 27<> – Relating to microprocessor permit


Committee on Judiciary – 10 a.m. – Room 410M

*         SB333<> Requiring all DHHR-licensed facilities access WV Controlled Substances Monitoring Program Database

*         SB667<> Limiting authority of Attorney General to disclose certain information provided by Tax Commissioner

*         SB689<> Relating to payment of small claims by DOH

*         SJR6<> Roads to Prosperity Amendment of 2017

*         SB637<> Relating to private club operations requirements

*         SB220<> Relating to offenses and penalties under Uniform Controlled Substances Act

***Break for 11 a.m. floor session.***

3:00 p.m. – Room 410M

*         Continuation of bills from morning agenda.


*         SB60<> Relating to eligibility and fraud requirements for public assistance

*         SB76<> Creating WV Second Chance for Employment Act

*         SB212<> Relating generally to procedures for drivers’ license suspensions and revocations

*         SB500<> Relating to Medicaid fraud and abuse


Committee on Energy – 2  p.m. – Room 410M    (Agenda to be posted.)

Comments are closed.

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