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Around the Rotunda: Legislative, committee schedule for Monday, Jan. 22

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Monday, Jan. 22, 2018
13th Day of the Legislative Session

Rotunda and social activities:

Women’s and Girls’ Day; W.Va. Association of Alcoholism, Drug Abuse Counselors, Inc. in the Upper House, Senate Rotundas and Well Area; WV Economic Development Council Legislative Reception, 5-7 p.m. at Embassy Suites

SENATE:  Senate Convenes at 11 a.m. 

On the Agenda: 


  • SR 12: Designating January 22, 2018, as Women’s and Girls’ Day
  • SR 13: Recognizing Leadership Berkeley



  • Com. Sub. for SB 53: Correcting code reference in regard to certain persons exempted from prohibitions against carrying concealed deadly weapons
  • SB 62: Adjusting requirements for hiring school attendance directors
  • Com. Sub. for SB 98: Creating incentives to consolidate local governments
  • Com. Sub. for SB 110: Requiring certain licensees notify law enforcement or EMS of life-threatening emergency on premises
  • Com. Sub. for SB 133: Exempting renewal of certain contracts entered into during declared state of emergency (original similar to HB 4034)
  • SB 263: Eliminating film tax credits (original similar to HB 4144)


SECOND READING (Amendments Stage)

  • Com. Sub. for SB 146: Correcting technical error within Solid Waste Management Act



  • Com. Sub. for SB 37: Equalizing penalty for entering without breaking regardless of time of day
  • Com. Sub. for SB 39: Creating Sexual Assault Victims’ Bill of Rights
  • Com. Sub. for SB 75: Relating to sale or transfer of video lottery locations
  • Com. Sub. for SB 134: Authorizing Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management to engage individuals for emergency response and recovery (original similar to HB 4033)
  • Com. Sub. for SB 292: Relating to Commission on Special Investigations


Senate Bills Introduced


Daily Committee Schedule: 


1 p.m.: Natural Resources (208W)

  • SB 14: Permitting guided bear hunting
  • SB 30: Relating generally to hunting with dogs
  • SB 234: DNR rule relating to wildlife disease management
  • SB 143: Permitting DNR identification tag be used to identify trap
  • SB 285: Establishing regional recreation authorities and areas


2 p.m.: Banking and Insurance (451M)

  • Agenda TBA


3 p.m.: Judiciary (208W)

  • SB 7: Requiring employee to provide written notice to employer of nonpayment of wages
  • SB 326: Protecting certain individuals from civil liability for damages when removing domesticated animal from locked or unattended vehicle
  • Com Sub for SB 163: Authorizing the DEP to promulgate legislative rules (Bundle 3)

o   SB 155: DEP rule relating to standards of performance for new stationary sources

o   SB 156: DEP rule relating to control of air pollution from combustion of solid waste

o   SB 157: DEP rule relating to control of air pollution from municipal solid waste

o   SB 158: DEP rule relating to control of air pollution from hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities

o   SB 159: DEP rule relating to emission standards for hazardous air pollutants

o   SB 160: DEP rule relating to ambient air quality standards

o   SB 161: DEP rule relating to surface mining reclamation

o   SB 162: DEP rule relating to voluntary remediation and redevelopment

o   SB 163: DEP rule relating to hazardous waste management system

o   SB 164: DEP rule relating to underground storage tanks


3 p.m.: Finance (451M)

  • Originating Bill: Increasing number of members on the West Virginia Racing Commission
  • SB 130: Creating Tim Tebow Act
  • Com. Sub. for SB 264: Eliminating refundable exemption for road construction contractors
  • SB 311: Specifying consumers sales and service tax exemption for purchase of certain services and tangible personal property related to aircraft
  • SB 67: Exempting DNR police officers’ pensions from state income tax
  • SB 139: Changing qualifier for low income for homestead tax credit
  • SB 150: Relating to wind power projects
  • SB 116: Providing court costs collected under Second Chance Driver’s License Program are not subject to 5 percent offset


Senate Bills to be Introduced Monday, January 22, 2018

  • SB 334: Supplemental appropriation from Excess Lottery Fund to DHHR Central Office (Stollngs; Finance)
  • SB 335: Protecting employees’ wages or salaries from being withheld or diverted for political activities (Karnes; Judiciary)
  • SB 336: Providing certain DMV applicants ability to contribute to WV Department of Veterans Assistance (FN) (Ferns, Weld; Military then Finance)
  • SB 337: Permitting parents of newborns to decline administration of specific required medication at birth (Karnes; Health and Human Resources then Judiciary)
  • SB 338: Changing date for employers to file annual reconciliation and withholding statements (Blair; Finance)

* (FN) indicates the bill has a Fiscal Note

* (IB) indicates the bill is an Interim Bill


Committee Action on Bills from Friday, January 19, 2018

No Committees met on Friday, January 19, 2018.



HOUSE OF DELEGATES:   House Convenes at 11 a.m.

On the agenda:


*         Com. Sub. for H. B. 3089<> – Relating to the adoption of instructional resources for use in the public schools

*         Com. Sub. for H. B. 4002<> – Providing that all delegates shall be elected from one hundred single districts following the United States Census in 2020

*         Com. Sub. for H. B. 4013<> – Clarifying venue in West Virginia state courts as it applies to nonresidents of the state

*         H. B. 4026<> – Exempting cashiers from licensure under the Larry W. Border Pharmacy Practice Act

SECOND READING – Amendment Stage

*         Com. Sub. for H. B. 2028<> – Relating to the venue for suits and other actions against the state


*         Com. Sub. for H. B. 2607<> – Extending the maximum period of confinement a judge may impose for certain, first-time probationary violations

*         H. B. 2822<> – Allowing honorably discharged veterans who possess certain military ratings to qualify to take an examination for licensing as a plumber, electrician, and sprinkler fitter

*         H. B. 2838<> – Allowing military veterans who meet certain qualifications to qualify for examination for license as an emergency medical technician


House Bills Introduced


Daily Committee Schedule:

Committee on the Judiciary
9:15 a.m. – Room 418M

*         H. B. 2546<>, Allowing replacement costs of employer provided property to be deducted from an employee’s final paycheck if the property is not returned

*         H. B. 4169<>, Requiring certain establishments and facilities to post human trafficking assistance notices

*         H. B. 4035<>, Creating a legislative coalition to study and report to the Legislature on palliative care

*         H.B. 4174<>, Designating the placement of nonpartisan judicial offices on the primary election ballot

*         H. B. 4207<>, Authorizing an online application to receive a commission to act as a notary public, and eliminating the bond requirement

*         Presentation by Mark White regarding redistricting

Committee on Roads and Transportation
1:00 p.m. – Room 215E

*         House Bill 2612<>, Repealing section relating to unattended motor vehicles and penalties

*         House Bill 2694<>, Relating to the development and implementation of a program to facilitate commercial sponsorship of rest areas

Committee on Finance
2:00 p.m. – Room 464M

*         Budget Hearing for Department of Health and Human Resources

*         H. B. 4135<>, Updating the meaning of federal taxable income and certain other terms used in the West Virginia Corporation Net Income Tax Act

*         H. B. 4146<>, Updating meaning of federal adjusted gross income and certain other terms used in West Virginia Personal Income Tax Act

*         H. B. 4144<>, Relating to the elimination of film tax credits

Committee on Education
2:00 p.m. – Room 434M

*         H. B. 4183<>, Relating generally to standardized testing requirements for nonpublic schools

Committee on Government Organization
3:00 p.m. – Room 215E

*         HB 4072<>, Board of Licensed Dietitians, rule relating to licensure and renewal requirements. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

*         HB 4073<>, Board of Accountancy, rule relating to board rules and rules of professional conduct. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

*         HB 4075<>, Athletic Commission, rule relating to regulation of mixed martial arts. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

*         HB 4076<>, Athletic Commission, rule relating to administrative rules of the West Virginia State Athletic Commission. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

*         HB 4057<>, Real Estate Commission, rule relating to requirements for real estate courses, course providers and instructors. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

*         HB 4059<>, Real Estate Commission, rule relating to licensing real estate brokers. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

*         HB 4058<>, Real Estate Commission, rule relating to schedule of fees. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

*         HB 4049<>, Board of Examiners of Psychologists, rule relating to fees. (2nd reference to Judiciary)

Committee on Fire Department and Emergency Medical Services
4:00 p.m. – Room 215E
***Agenda to be posted.<>***


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