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Aircraft missing, presumed crashed near Marion county


Times West Virginian

FAIRMONT, W.Va.  — Authorities are searching for a plane that may have crashed in or near Marion County.

The Marion County 911 call log indicates that a plane went missing shortly before 9:30 a.m.

Dispatchers with the 911 center in Marion County said they are aware of the missing plane and are searching, but are unsure if it is in Marion County.

A press release from the Federal Aviation Authority said a Cirrus SR20 with two passengers on board was traveling from Delaware Coastal Airport in Georgetown, Del. to Fleming-Mason Airport in Flemingsburg, Ky.

The plane’s last known location was 23 miles northwest of Clarksburg and is presumed to have crashed in Wetzel County, according to the FAA.

Authorities with the Wetzel County Office of Emergency Management said they are aware of the missing plane, but have not yet located it.

The Times West Virginian will update the story as more information becomes available.

Email Carter Walker at [email protected] and follow him on Twitter at @carterw284.

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