By Lexi Browning
For The West Virginia Press Association
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The West Virginia Senate adopted a resolution this week recognizing members of the Civil Air Patrol and dedicated Wednesday, March 22, 2017, as Civil Air Patrol Day.

The West Virginia Civil Air Patrol (CAP) is comprised of 16 units with approximately 600 volunteer members. CAP’s role is to carry out homeland security-related tasks such as rescue operations in the event of a natural disaster or terroristic threats and provide emergency services.
Lead sponsor Sen. Ryan Weld, R-Brooke, said the Mountain State’s Civil Air Patrol has become an essential part of the community and has equipped its young members with lifelong skills.The Cadet Program specifically, he said, provided opportunities for youth “to learn to be leaders, show those abilities and hone them” before they attend college or enroll in a branch of the United States Military.
“I had the opportunity to give an award this past January to a senior student at Wheeling Park High School, and he was given the second highest honor the Civil Air Patrol has to offer. Now he’s going on to the Naval Academy, “ Weld said. “I think that in talking to him that the basis of what drove him to go to the academy and the nation’s military started for him in this Civil Air Patrol.
Weld also highlighted the patrol’s vital assistance during the 2016 historic flooding.
“They were in day in and day out in the southern part of the state, taking imagery that went all the way up to the joint chief of staffs to give them a briefing on the situation and did search and rescue in the aftermath of the flooding,” Weld said, adding he was “very proud” to be a part of the resolution and its adoption.
Senators Roman Prezioso, D-Marion, Ron Stollings, D-Boone, Greg Boso, R-Nicholas, Bob Beach, D-Monongalia, and Bob Plymale, D-Wayne, co-sponsored the resolution.
Senator Ron Miller, D-Greenbrier, encouraged others to follow him in becoming honorary members of CAP.
“They’re very active in our community and they do great things for our young people who later go on to military academies,” Miller said. “I encourage all of you to be part of that.”