CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Aaron Allred, legislative manager & legislative auditor for the West Virginia Legislature, has released the following agenda for Tuesday and Wednesday’s January 2017 Interim meetings:
Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2017 |
Convene | Adjourn | Committee | Place |
9:00 AM | 10:00 AM | Agriculture and Rural Development | House Finance |
9:00 AM | 10:00 AM | Tax Reform Subcommittee A | Senate Finance |
10:00 AM | 11:00 AM | Joint Standing Committee on Pensions and Retirement | House Judiciary |
10:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Joint Government Accountability, Transparency and Efficiency Committee | House Gov. Org. |
11:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Joint Legislative Oversight Commission on Dept of Transportation Accountability – JOINT MEETING | Senate Judiciary |
11:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Select Committee on Infrastructure – JOINT MEETING | Senate Judiciary |
12:00 PM | 1:00 PM | Joint Committee on Children and Families | House Finance |
1:00 PM | 3:00 PM | Joint Select Committee on Tax Reform | House Gov. Org. |
1:00 PM | 3:00 PM | Legislative Rule-Making Review Committee | Senate Judiciary |
4:00 PM | 5:00 PM | Joint Committee on Health | House Gov. Org. |
5:00 PM | 6:00 PM | Joint Standing Committee on Education | House Chamber |
5:00 PM | 6:00 PM | Legislative Oversight Commission on Health and Human Resources Accountability | House Finance |
5:00 PM | 7:00 PM | Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability | Senate Finance |
6:00 PM | 7:00 PM | Legislative Rule-Making Review Committee | Senate Judiciary |
Wednesday, January 11, 2017 |
Convene | Adjourn | Committee | Place |
8:00 AM | 10:00 AM | Joint Standing Committee on Education | House Chamber |
8:00 AM | 10:00 AM | Joint Standing Committee on Government Organization | House Gov. Org. |
4:30 PM | 5:30 PM | Joint Committee on Government and Finance | Senate Finance |