CHARLESTON, W.Va. (September 15, 2016) – More than 20 female business leaders will convene as presenters at the 2016 Women & Technology Conference to share insights and strategies on how women and technology can help revitalize West Virginia’s economy while supporting women in technology fields. Arria Hines, CEO & President of Allegheny Science & Technology (AST) and the 2016 Small Business Administration Small Business Person of the Year in West Virginia, will open the conference with keynote remarks. Other keynote speakers include Dr. Jan Cuny, Program Director for Computing Education at the National Science Foundation and Dr. Stefanie Tompkins with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s Defense Sciences Office. .
The conference, hosted by TechConnect West Virginia, will be held October 6-7 at Canaan Valley Resort & Conference Center in Davis, West Virginia.
“The 2016 Women & Technology Conference features one of the most impressive lineups of female leaders in the event’s history,” said Anne Barth, executive director of TechConnect West Virginia and conference organizer.
“We initiated this event to encourage more women to explore the opportunities available in the fields of science, computing, research and technology. I encourage women working in technology fields, as well as those interested in pursuing a technology-focused career, to attend. However, this conference also will be of value for anyone who uses technology in any job function—including teaching, health care, law, accounting, finance, organizational management, HR, marketing, management, or sales,” Barth said.
To register, click here.
Session topics to be covered, in addition to the keynote presenters, include: Engaging Students in STEM; Pathways to Tech—Even With a Liberal Arts Degree!; Research on Gender & STEM; Owning Entrepreneurship—Risk & Reward; To Tweet or Not to Tweet–That and Other Social Media Questions; Are You Cyber Secure?; Non-traditional Choices, Exceptional Opportunities; and much more.
Conference presenters include:
- Dr. Amelia Courts, President, The Education Alliance
- Dr. Kathy D’Antoni, Chief Career & Technical Education Officer, WV Department of Education
- Dr. Sytil Murphy, Assistant Professor of Physics, Shepherd University
- Dr. Kathryn Williamson, Professor of Astronomy, WVU
- Dr. Suzanne Konz, College of Health Professions, Marshall University
- Dr. Melissa Latimer, Professor & Director of the ADVANCE Center, WVU
- Cheryl Ball, Associate Professor, Digital Publishing Studies, WVU English Department
- Nichole Grossman, Director of Graduate Admissions & Recruitment, WVU College of Business & Economics
- Bernie Deem, Principal, AlignHR
- Marnie Rustemeyer, Founder & CEO, Billow Global
- Michele Smith, Director of Contracts, KeyLogic
- Mindy Walls, Assistant Vice President of Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Office of the Provost, WVU
- Philomena Krosmico, formerly with The Hershey Company
- Major Anne Perella, West Virginia National Guard
- Cynthia Rodina, Aviation Instructor, Pierpont Community & Technical College
- Sarah Armstrong Tucker, Chancellor, WV Community & Technical College System
- Sara McDowell, Executive Director, Big Brothers Big Sisters South Central WV and President, The Media Squirrel
The conference also will feature a “Lightning Pitch Showdown” – a presentation opportunity for selected conference attendees to showcase their program. For those interested in applying to make a pitch, applications are required and must be submitted no later than September 28. Click here for more details.
The 2016 Women & Technology Conference is presented with generous support from: Allegheny Science & Technology, BrickStreet Insurance, Division of Science and Research at the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission, KeyLogic, Marshall University, NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium, Steptoe & Johnson PLLC, West Virginia Department of Education and the Arts, West Virginia Executive Magazine, West Virginia Jobs Investment Trust, and West Virginia University
For additional information, contact Anne Barth at (304) 444-2918.