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West Virginia joins multistate lawsuit against Facebook

The Inter-Mountain

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey filed suit against Facebook Inc. as part of a bipartisan coalition of 48 attorneys general Wednesday alleging the company has and continues to illegally stifle competition to protect its personal social network monopoly.

The lawsuit claims Facebook illegally acquired competitors in a predatory manner and cut services to smaller threats, depriving users from the benefits of competition and reducing privacy protections and services — all in an effort to boost profits through increased advertising revenue.

“America thrives best with robust competition,” Attorney General Morrisey said. “We must not condone actions that block meaningful access to competition and exploit a user’s private information. Such behavior reduces consumer choice, stifles innovation and degrades privacy protections for millions.”

Facebook has operated as a personal social networking service since 2004. It facilitates sharing content online without charging users a monetary fee, but, instead, provides these services in exchange for a user’s time, attention and private data…

To read more: https://www.theintermountain.com/news/communities/2020/12/w-va-joins-multistate-lawsuit-against-facebook/

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