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WVU, Marshall ask legislators to not cut higher ed funding


The State Journal

The presidents of West Virginia’s largest state-supported universities asked legislators Tuesday not to cut higher education funding when balancing the state’s budget.

In a joint statement, Marshall University President Jerome Gilbert and West Virginia University President Gordon Gee said the schools would be forced to make up a shortfall by increasing tuition.

“Marshall alone has had $11.5 million in state cuts over the past several years,” Gilbert said. “Another significant reduction in our state allocation will give us no choice but to effectively pass the cut directly on to our students in the form of a sizeable tuition increase. That will be a real hardship for our students, three-fourths of whom are from West Virginia.”

Gee added, “We have always protected our academic mission and done our best to keep our tuition affordable and accessible. However, West Virginia University has taken nearly $30 million in state reductions over the past three years. Any additional significant reductions would jeopardize the quality and value of an education that a student at West Virginia University receives, as well as the programs and services we provide to the state.”

The statement comes several days after leaders in the state Legislature indicated they are eyeing reductions to higher education as one way to address the state’s budget shortfall.

Gilbert and Gee said state allocations to West Virginia’s colleges and universities already have been cut $56.6 million since 2013, and agreed further cuts would be devastating to students and their families.

“President Gee and I are taking a stand together in support of preserving state funding for higher education as an investment in the future of our state and its people,” Gilbert said. “It doesn’t make sense to cut off one of the primary paths a state has to successful economic growth — and that’s an educated workforce. Higher education is absolutely vital to having the workforce companies want when they are looking to locate or expand facilities.”

Gee said, “I realize it may seem easier to cut our way to success. However, the worthier option is to invest in those things that will bring prosperity to our state. The best way to propel West Virginia into prosperity is to leverage its assets. West Virginia University, Marshall University and our sister institutions here in West Virginia are assets to this state. And we remain committed to helping our state’s leaders forge solutions that will drive real change.”

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