By CHAD ADKINS, Parkersburg News and Sentinel
MINERAL WELLS — The warm temperatures didn’t hamper the kickoff to the 2019 West Virginia Interstate Fair and Exposition on Tuesday.

Even though temperatures peaked just under 90 degrees, hundreds of people gathered together for fun in Mineral Wells.
A big part of the exposition is the junior livestock competition held in the livestock area of the fairgrounds. Laekyn McLaughlin, 13, of Walker, was there to show her lamb, Sassy. Before the competition, McLaughlin was giving Sassy one last scrub down to help catch the judge’s eyes.
“She never had her ears cleaned before, but today is her lucky day,” she said.
McLaughlin said she had to feed and water Sassy, and even took her on two walks a day. Her grandfather, Tim McLaughlin, said Laekyn really took the responsibility of raising Sassy seriously.