West Virginia Press Association
CHARLESTON, W.VA — Gov. Jim Justice recently announced that West Virginia has secured $1.2 billion in Broadband Enhancement Access and Deployment (BEAD) funding, which will be used to improve reliable high-speed internet for residents statewide.
The West Virginia Department of Economic Development, Office of Broadband, will administer BEAD funds. West Virginia launched its mandatory BEAD Pre-Application Phase on March 18, 2024. The deadline for pre-application is extended to May 30, 2024.
The mandatory Pre-Application Phase enables applicants to demonstrate eligibility and capacity to compete for grants to expand broadband infrastructure to BEAD eligible locations. The BEAD Full Application Phase is scheduled to begin in June 2024.
“This extension provides additional time for pre-application while the State finalizes results of the BEAD Challenge Process,” said Kelly Workman, Director of the Office of Broadband. “We encourage applicants to submit pre-applications well before the deadline for review and approval on a rolling basis.”
Applicants interested in submitting projects for consideration during the later application phase of the program must submit a pre-application to participate. Pre-applications may be submitted through WVDED’s ZoomGrants Application Portal. The Office of Broadband has scheduled online and onsite training to assist with the application process.
West Virginia is one of the first states in the nation to secure approval from the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications Information Administration (NTIA). Within one year of the approval, West Virginia must submit a Final Proposal to include projects that will reach all unserved and underserved locations.
Please visit broadband.wv.gov for program details and updates, broadband mapping, and other information.