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W.Va. lawmakers work through storm to pass education omnibus bill

By Erin Beck, The Register-Herald of Beckley, W.Va.

State senators had to temporarily halt a floor session Monday evening as a tornado warning sounded. (Perry Bennett/WV Legislative Photography). 

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Sen. Stephen Baldwin, D-Greenbrier, was offering an amendment to ensure lawmakers adequately funded school psychologists, when a chorus of smartphone alarms wailed, signaling a tornado warning. 

Baldwin paused and asked whether legislators should continue debate. Senate President Mitch Carmichael, R-Jackson, told him to keep going.

After Baldwin asked a second time, lawmakers took a brief recess, during a special legislative session focused on education Monday.

Then, in an 18-16 vote, the West Virginia Senate finally passed an education bill containing provisions for charter schools. The House of Delegates had already passed the bill last week. …

Read more: https://www.register-herald.com/legislature/lawmakers-work-through-storm-to-pass-education-omnibus-bill/article_86a2a962-96ee-11e9-aa6c-27341b42aeab.html

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