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W.Va. Gov. Justice to Wheeling University: ‘Not closing on my watch’

By ALAN OLSON, The Intelligencer of Wheeling

WHEELING, W.VA. — Gov. Jim Justice and other state and federal representatives delivered a singular message Tuesday to the students of Wheeling University: “We’re not going to close this school.”

Gov. Jim Justice pledges his support to keep Wheeling University open at a press conference Wednesday. Courtesy photo.

Justice referred to ongoing administrative issues and the university’s mounting financial problems as “boogers in the closet (to) clean up,” but said the institution has numerous capable allies including the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston and U.S. Rep. David McKinley, R-W.Va., as well as the Wheeling city and Ohio County governments and himself.

“You’ve got a lot of people from your diocese to your great congressmen, to your governor, to the great people working in your administration working here in the community … ,” Justice said. “If you put the pieces of this puzzle on a table … there’s nobody better in the world than me to figure it out. But if you put no pieces of the puzzle down, I’m terrible. If there’s no hope, I’m terrible, but if there’s a light at the end of the tunnel … then I’m pretty tough.” …

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