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W.Va. Commerce Secretary Gaunch believes cracker is coming to region; talks of growth in Ohio Valley and state

By Evan Bevins, Parkersburg News and Sentinel

FAIRPLAIN, W.Va. — While visiting Jackson County Wednesday, West Virginia Commerce Secretary Ed Gaunch said he believes a cracker plant will come to the Mountain State within the next decade.

West Virginia Commerce Secretary Ed Gaunch speaks during the Jackson County Economic Development Authority’s annual luncheon meeting Wednesday at Sorella Ristorante in Fairplain. It was one of several stops Gaunch made during a listening tour of Jackson County businesses. (Photo by Evan Bevins)

Gaunch made the remarks during the Jackson County Economic Development Authority’s annual luncheon meeting at Sorella Ristorante in Fairplain as he spoke about his optimism for the Mountain State and this region.

“I’ll predict to you that over the next 10 years you’re going to see this Ohio River valley grow exponentially,” he said, citing the automotive, petrochemical and energy industries in particular.

Gaunch noted that “everybody wants a cracker plant” and he believes “it will happen.” He said the downstream businesses related to such a facility would provide an even bigger economic impact. …

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