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Three Kanawha Presbyterian churches celebrate 200th anniversary on Sunday


Charleston Gazette-Mail

Different buildings that Kanawha Presbyterian has occupied over the past 200 years.
(Gazette-Mail photo by Kenny Kemp)

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Three Kanawha County Presbyterian churches with shared roots — Kanawha United Presbyterian Church, First Presbyterian Church Charleston and Kanawha Salines Presbyterian Church — will celebrate the 200th anniversary of their founding on Sunday.

Members of the three churches will be joined by congregants from Presbyterian churches from Nitro to Belle for a joint worship service and music in a program that starts at 11 a.m. in the Charleston Coliseum Theater.

A joint choir comprising choir members from various Kanawha Valley Presbyterian churches and a performance by bagpipers and drummers from the Beni Kedem Highlanders will provide music for the celebration. Dr. Ed Thompson, general presbyter of the West Virginia Presbytery, will deliver Sunday’s sermon. The public is invited.

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