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‘The need is constant:’ West Virginia residents contribute to area’s largest regional blood drive Wednesday

By Jonathan Weaver, The Exponent Telegram

CLARKSBURG, W.Va. (WV News) — Nearly 150 local residents donated blood Wednesday at the Robinson Grand Performing Arts Center in Clarksburg.

Due to COVID-19’s spread nationwide, the number of blood drives nationwide initially was limited, but safety protocols have enabled the American Red Cross to intensify its efforts — including with Wednesday’s Give the Gift of Life blood drive.

“This is the largest drive that we’ve done in the 15 counties we (she and Donor Recruitment Account Manager Ryan Edsall) cover. We’re really excited about it,” Donor Recruitment Associate Lauren Thomas said. The Fairmont native added that this is the first time the American Red Cross has used the Robinson Grand Performing Arts Center or its Education Center as a collection point for platelets, plasma and red blood cells that are vital to health care…

To read more: https://www.wvnews.com/theet/news/the-need-is-constant-west-virginia-residents-contribute-to-areas-largest-regional-blood-drive-wednesday/article_c9d1a464-a393-5cd8-b4f7-20648932fbc6.html

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