Release from West Virginia Directors of Senior and Community Services “Senior Power” Political Action Committee:
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The West Virginia Directors of Senior and Community Services’ “Senior Power” Political Action Committee has announced its candidate endorsements for the 2020 general election in November.
The West Virginia Directors of Senior and Community Services is the trade association that represents senior providers across the state and its nearly 4,000 employees. The association’s members provide services in all 55 counties, including preparing and delivering nearly 2.5 million meals each year. They transport seniors on more than 250,000 trips, which include doctor and medical appointments, transportation to the pharmacy, and routine trips to the grocery store. In addition, they operate centers that serve as a resource for seniors and enrich their lives through social interaction and fellowship.
“Our association members are deeply passionate about taking care of the state’s seniors, but it’s a task that gets more and more difficult with low reimbursement rates, rising costs, and federal mandates. We are not asking for a handout from the state budget, we are asking for increased reimbursement rates that get us in line with actual costs,” said William Carpenter, WVDSCS President.
Some of the senior centers in West Virginia remain in dire straits which, unfortunately, results in cutting services that our seniors count on. Our seniors deserve better.
Carpenter said, “These are the parents and grandparents who have raised us, proudly served our country, and have sacrificed to give the next generations opportunity to succeed. Do they not deserve to be provided the assistance to live out their lives in their own homes?”
The West Virginia Senior Power PAC looks for candidates and elected officials in office who understand the difficulty senior centers face and the importance of the services they provide to the state’s largest population segment. For these reasons, the following list of candidates received this year’s endorsement.