Opinion, WVPA Sharing

Pocahontas Time’s Geoff Hamill documents fire in downtown Marlinton

MARLINTON — Early Sunday morning, a blaze destroyed three buildings on Main Street in Marlinton. The conflagration consumed the McK, now known as The Old Bank Building, Dirt Bean Ohana and Hudson’s Variety Store buildings. Firefighting units from as far away as Lewisburg responded to the scene. The first alarm sounded at about 3:30 a.m. Early, unofficial reports indicated the fire started in the Hudson’s store building….


Pocahontas TImes featured Geoff Hamill's photos of the 11/10/13 fire in downtown Marlinton
Pocahontas TImes featured Geoff Hamill’s photos of the 11/10/13 fire in downtown Marlinton

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