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NCWV residents have varying thoughts on climate change

By JoAnn Snoderly, The Exponent Telegram in Clarksburg, W.Va.

CLARKSBURG, W.Va. — From climate change protests in New York to Republican state senators refusing to vote on climate change measures in Oregon to the Green New Deal, climate change continues to dominate headlines.

As debates about the best way to address climate change continue at the national level, North Central West Virginia residents differ in their level of concern and their opinion on how it should be addressed.

For Upshur County residents Harry Hornbeck and Lou Seech, there are more pressing matters that concern them day-to-day, “like sticking around for a few more years.” …

Read more: https://www.wvnews.com/theet/news/ncwv-residents-have-varying-thoughts-on-climate-change/article_9e8bdf07-fdb6-5a3d-a366-2206aedf73e3.html

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