The Exponent Telegram
MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — Local musician Greg Short and his wife Carla made the decision to build a “tiny house” after acquiring a small parcel of land outside Morgantown.

(Submitted photo)
Now, the chronicles of their experience are about to be featured on the television show “Tiny House, Big Living,” premiering at 9:30 p.m. Thursday on the DIY Network.
“We had visions of just building a small cabin,” Carla said. “But then we sort of keyed in on some of the tiny house shows on television, and I loved the idea.”
Greg said the couple filled out an application online to have HGTV film their home-building experience.
“Originally, we’d hoped to apply for a show that would actually help us build,” Carla said. “But none of those were casting currently. So we just filled out an application for HGTV, and that was the only application we submitted.”
Carla said that after a few weeks had gone by and they hadn’t heard anything from the network, they basically gave up on being filmed.
“We just went ahead with our own business,” Greg said. “We were going to build it anyway, so we weren’t going to wait around on them.”
Then, about three weeks after the couple submitted their application, they had a Skype interview with network officials.
“They coached us a little bit on what to wear,” Carla said. “Since Greg is a musician, he wore a cowboy hat and a plaid shirt like he would if he were going to play on stage.”
“When they saw us, they were excited about how we looked and what we were doing,” Carla said.
To capture progress on the house, the film crew met with Greg and Carla for three shoots, as well as for a final review.
“They were very professional,” Greg said. “They had a lot of ideas, and I agreed with them, but I didn’t have their vision. They were definitely doing things for their own timeline. But once that timeline was established, I could definitely see how different scenes were going to accentuate the episode.”
“They were really focused on the musical aspects of the house,” Carla said. “They filmed different things in the home that were music related, like a bathroom shelf I made with one of Greg’s old guitars, and our refrigerator that we made look like a guitar amp. They also got footage of Greg’s bandmates helping with the construction.”
Another interesting aspect of the house is a removable stage, so Greg’s band can play for visitors. The house itself was built on the base of a trailer, which had a slide-out, so the stage was constructed in three removable sections for easy setup. Because the house was built on a trailer and the stage is removable, Carla said the couple could travel with the house.
“We built it with the intentions of traveling with it some day,” Carla said. “But it’s a lot heavier than we had planned, and we’ll have to do some work on our road first.”
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