CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The West Virginia Press Association will be providing state newspapers with weekly “Financial Snapshot” graphics for West Virginia as a public service to residents.
Samples of the graphics, are attached. Files are being mailed to all newspapers, or the high-res versions can be downloaded.
The graphics, generated in conjunction with the West Virginia Senate Financial Committee, will offer insight on state finances and related information. Each graphic will have a link to more detailed information and/or reports. The graphics may relate to current news articles or provide a “stand-alone” viewpoint.
The graphics, created by WV Press graphic designer Brenda Pinnell, will be shared and distributed on Fridays for use the following day or week.
“This is another opportunity for newspapers in West Virginia to add value and serve the public,” said Don Smith, executive director of the West Virginia Press Association. “We appreciate the West Virginia Senate Finance Committee’s efforts to make this happen. Hopefully, this will help keep residents informed. The graphics allow residents to see the facts and figures. “
Smith thanked Senate Financial Committee staff members Chris Dewitte, Ben Agsten and Tammy Shamblin for assisting in the project, and Senator Craig Blair, R-Berkeley, for suggesting the project.