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Media Advisory: News conference scheduled Friday at 1 p.m. in Charleston , W.Va., for multi-billion-dollar economic development announcement

U.S. Senator Manchin, Governor Justice, Economic Development Secretary Carmichael to participate

WV Press Release Sharing

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — West Virginia Press Association is sharing the following media advisory:

On Friday, Sept. 16, at 1 pm at the Charleston Marriott Hotel, a multi-billion-dollar economic development investment will be announced for the state of West Virginia. 

Officials with the project will share the decision-making process in why they choose the state, including impacts from recently passed federal and state legislation packages.

When:           Friday, Sept. 16, 2022

                        1 p.m.

What:            News Conference – Charleston Marriott Hotel

Who:              United States Senator Joe Manchin

West Virginia Governor Jim Justice (via video)

West Virginia Economic Development Secretary Mitch Carmichael

CEO of investing company (To Be Announced)

Relevant Stakeholders

Contact:        Amber Vineyard

                        (304) 621-3454

                        [email protected]

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