By John Mark Shaver, Fairmont News
FAIRMONT, W.Va. — NCWV Media gathered dozens of West Virginia’s best and brightest young leaders to the company’s annual Generation Next event Thursday evening in celebrating the professionals’ skills, compassion and commitment to the Mountain State.
The event, which honored 40 leaders under the age of 40, was held at the Robert H. Mollohan Research Center in Fairmont, and celebrated leaders from fields such as health care, realty, higher education and many more.
“This year’s group is a group of individuals who has found great success in the business world while making a positive impact on the community in which they live and work and play,” NCWV Media Publisher Andy Kniceley said. “We’re very proud of this year’s class of 40 Under 40. They come from all corners of the Mountain State. … This truly is a statewide representation of West Virginia’s best and brightest.” …