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Effort to discharge Defend the Guard Act in West Virginia fails again

By Steven Allen Adams, The Weirton Daily Times

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Once again, an attempt to move a bill prohibiting use of West Virginia’s civilian soldiers and airmen in combat, except when Congress gives approval, failed in the House of Delegates.

Del. Pat McGeehan, R-Hancock, made a motion Friday morning to discharge House Bill 2138, the Defend the Guard Act, from the House Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security Committee where the bill has sat since Feb. 10. The motion would have sent the bill directly to the House Judiciary Committee. The motion failed 26-71 with bipartisan opposition.

A discharge motion, if approved by a majority of the House, moves a bill from the committee it is in to the House floor where it can be passed after three separate days of readings.

HB 2138 would prohibit members of the West Virginia National Guard from participating in active combat duty unless an act of war has been passed by Congress or if Congress has specifically called for use of the National Guard within its constitutional powers…

To read more: https://www.weirtondailytimes.com/news/local-news/2021/03/effort-to-discharge-defend-the-guard-act-fails-again/

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