Opinion, WVPA Sharing

Editorial: Time to give charter schools pilot program a chance

From The Exponent Telegram of Clarksburg:

After seven public forums sponsored by the West Virginia Department of Education, a few sponsored by other groups and a great deal of public debate through social media platforms and other venues, the question still remains: Would charter schools help or harm public education?

The proponents are undeterred. And since they include most, if not all, of the Senate leadership, it will be interesting to see how a yet-to-be-scheduled special session designed to “enhance” our education system unfolds. …

Read the editorial at https://www.wvnews.com/theet/opinion/editorials/charting-a-course-for-success-or-failure/article_796b80a2-e54b-5e86-9117-b90c8115e455.html

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