Opinion, WVPA Sharing

Editorial: Legal notices vital for an informed W.Va. citizenry

From The Herald Dispatch of Huntington:

If someone living just down the street planned to open a business that might change the nature of your neighborhood, you would want to know about that.

The same is likely true if a government entity planned to build a road through your property or spend taxpayers’ money for a project that you find dubious, or a local public service district planning to raise your fees, or learning that you may be entitled to some unclaimed property.

What makes it possible for you to be informed of such matters is that section in this newspaper and others labeled “legal notices.” Those are the notifications that government bodies, estate managers, businesses and others are required by law to have published. The key rationale for that requirement is to have an informed citizenry and to ensure that due process is afforded members of the public in matters that might affect them. ..

Read the entire editorial at https://www.herald-dispatch.com/opinion/editorial-legal-notices-vital-for-an-informed-citizenry/article_c44eb9b8-f4b8-5914-addc-c0c894dbee8d.html

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